Why Does My Cat Bite Me When I Pet?

Why does my cat bite me when I pet?

If your cat bites you, does that mean he’s playing or is it a real assault? Sometimes a prank bite can feel like a real assault. This is very common when kittens are separated from their siblings too soon, as when they are still together, they learn to bite gently.

Another reason is the owners themselves, who can eventually stimulate the animal’s aggressive behavior. Therefore, one must always be kind when playing with pussies. In this article, we’ll answer the question: Why does my cat bite me when I pet him?

Why does my cat bite me?

Por que meu gato me morde quando eu faço carinho

Regardless of your cat’s age, it is very important that you know that a kitten has no reason to be aggressive, bite, or cause any harm. All aggressive behavior must be avoided.

If your cat starts biting, even when playing, this attitude needs to be changed. Don’t scold him, as instead of discouraging him, it can end up reinforcing the unwanted behavior.

Better to use a stick or rope to vent the aggression. Never yell at your cat, as this type of reaction will only be making him afraid. Don’t forget that the pet isn’t biting because it’s bad.

He’s biting because he feels he has no other choice. From his point of view, all other options failed and he was left with no other communication alternative but this one, the bite.

Instead of challenging him, reinforce the play in an acceptable and gentle way. Reward him with a snack, something tasty. Avoid foot or hand chase games that make him pounce on you, as this will make the problem worse.

And always remember that, before stroking him, you should always bring your hand close to your nose so that he can recognize your scent. This is a basic rule of thumb for all animals with whom you haven’t yet developed a great deal of intimacy.

There are other reasons for a cat to bite. Sometimes the pussies just decided that for that day they had enough fun. Puppies often have this reaction. The same happens when you start petting a cat that doesn’t really want that kind of attention.

Using too much force or speed when stroking, or even stroking in the wrong place, can lead many cats to bite or scratch. Therefore, always caress gently.

There is always the possibility that your cat has a medical problem and this discomfort makes him angry enough to provoke this type of aggression. Therefore, it is always a good idea to consult a veterinarian to determine if there is a physical cause behind this behavior.

How to improve your cat’s behavior?

Como melhorar o comportamento do seu gato

Interpreting your cat’s mood is not that simple. Maybe your pet approached you to play and you figured he wanted a cuddle. That’s when a divergence and aggression can happen.

To avoid these kinds of differences, it’s best to learn to read your cat’s body language. There are many clues that can help prevent a bite.

Some body language signals indicate that your cat is reaching the limit of its tolerance level. They may include: stopping purring, tail wagging, hair lifting, changing body position, grunting, placing the ears against the head or in a plane shape, and dilation of the pupils.

When petting your cat, to make it feel more comfortable, it’s best to pay attention to the pussy’s tolerance level so that you can anticipate the possibility of an attack.

Have you ever wondered which part of the body the cat likes to be petted? Many cats like to be petted on the back of their head and neck. However, don’t go overboard.

Remember that some areas can overstimulate the animals, and when you get to that point, your pet will somehow show that he doesn’t want you to pet him any more. Don’t forget that cats are very independent.

On the other hand, remember that aggressive behavior can also be modified. However, this requires patience. Even more so when talking about cats. Therefore,  make sure that your games are not aggressive and try to interpret the body signals of your feline, so you will avoid bites or scratches.

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