Importance Of Exercise For Dogs

Exercise supplies a series of vital needs to provide a good life for dogs: it strengthens the body, speeds up the mind, strengthens the bond with its owner and prevents illness.
Importance of exercise for dogs

The importance of exercise for dogs is as significant as it is for humans. It is known that the exercise – practiced regularly – provides, in addition to the physical well-being, mental well-being.

Through physical activity, dogs can release tension and, along with a balanced diet, maintain a healthy lifestyle. So why not provide this basic health requirement for your pet? Today, we’ll talk about why it’s important to ensure your dog maintains a cardiovascular exercise routine.

The Importance of Exercise to Fight Anxiety in Dogs

Exercise has been shown to decrease anxiety in dogs. All pet owners should ensure that their furry friends are in good shape. This simple measure can cause you to return home and not find the sofa chewed up.

It is known that lack of exercise and mental stimulation can lead the dog to try to get your attention by displaying destructive behaviors.

The more activity, the less aging

Of course, just like in humans, getting the right amount of exercise can help maintain a dog’s mental acuity. This results in a lower incidence of age-related illnesses.

Obviously, exercise must adapt to your pet’s life stage. Remember that  while it’s important for older dogs to stay active, exercise will never do you any good if you overdo it.

For this reason, it is highly recommended to get advice from your veterinarian as to what intensity and type of exercise is appropriate for your dog.

dog doing exercise

The Importance of Exercise to Fight Osteoarthritis in Dogs

Regular exercise is known to be one of the best ways to ensure your pet’s joints remain healthy. Remember, it’s not just about maintaining a proper weight to avoid excess pressure. Exercise also ensures that the joints remain lubricated, while strengthening the supporting muscles.

Family that exercises together, stays together

Without a doubt, when dogs and their owners exercise together, the emotional bond is strengthened. Since exercise is an exciting activity, sharing it creates a positive reinforcement of friendship. Even if it’s a simple routine, like walking every day, it will improve your mental and cardiovascular balance.

Of course, you should always put yourself in your pet’s shoes. For example, when running on the beach, consider that sea shells can be painful for your dog’s sensitive paws. Also, exercising in times of strong sunlight can cause heat stroke.

All Dogs Need a Job

Remember that man has been selecting dogs to perform specific tasks. So, your friend’s ancestor was created to hunt, herd, or perform some other activity. For this reason, it is important that your puppy can act, to some extent, on his instincts.

It’s not about taking him hunting. It is about providing interesting opportunities to perform a task according to your need. If a dog doesn’t have a job appropriate for its breed and age, such as fetching a Frisbee , for example, he will arrange one himself, such as barking at passersby or picking up trash.

dog playing football

Exercise makes obedience easier

If you want your dog to obey you with more enthusiasm, the key may be a more interactive activity. When you spend time playing with your dog and teaching new games, the relationship is strengthened and leads to more obedient behavior.

Favor adequate socialization

Exercise can and should be part of a routine of exposure to other dogs, people and environmental stimuli. This is a very effective way to direct a young dog into proper socialization.

It’s important to keep in mind that, for most dogs, a leisurely walk around the block simply doesn’t meet their aerobic exercise needs. However, lively play in the park with other dogs promotes their socialization, ensuring that puppies and older dogs make the appropriate level of effort.

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