The Different Breeds Of Hunting Dogs And Their Characteristics

The qualities of these dogs are based on discipline, agility, intelligence and perseverance. Of course, at least they must have specially developed one of the essential senses in this sport.
The different breeds of hunting dogs and their characteristics

Dogs are used for various tasks in hunting. Do you know the different breeds of hunting dogs? What does a dog have to have to be used for this purpose? Let’s see below.

How a hunting dog should be

They are many and diverse, but when it comes to personality and other factors, there are a number of points they should have in common. These are some:

  • Very developed senses. All hunting dogs must have one of their most developed senses, be it the sense of smell, as in the case of hunting dogs, sight ,  as in the case of the whippet, or hearing, which is necessary for smaller tasks. hunting.
  • Obedience. A dog that is used for hunting must adhere to some basic obedience guidelines learned earlier. He has to obey the call, pick up and leave something when the owner asks for it, and always be on the lookout for any prey to appear.
  • Agility. Although there are very hardworking and intelligent dogs, if they have short legs that don’t allow them to have some of the necessary agility for hunting, it’s useless.
  • Intelligence. On many occasions, it is possible that it is necessary to use some type of strategy to hunt the prey. A hunting dog needs intelligence for that.
  • Perseverance. Prey cannot always be obtained, alive or not, at first. Therefore, the dog that is used for this task should not easily surrender and persevere until reaching its goal.

The most common hunting dog breeds

These are the most used hunting dog breeds in the world, which does not mean that there are not properly trained specimens of other breeds that cannot be hunters.

Fox Terrier

Fox Terrier

The   original fox terrier, which comes from England, has  been used for centuries to hunt foxes. Although not a very large dog, it does have some characteristics in its personality and character that make it suitable for this task.

His stubbornness is transformed into perseverance and, despite his size, he has a courage worth mentioning. Its legs are long and its body light, which makes it very agile.


He is also a small dog, but  his sense of smell makes him ideal for being a sniffer dog. 

They can chase a small animal for hours because they have an energy that seems inexhaustible.


They are very stubborn and resist hierarchies. So if you want to have one of these dogs to hunt, it must be properly trained.

Hungarian white

This has been one of the most used hunting dog breeds for this purpose for a long time.

His athletic physique, along with his good sense of smell, makes him one of the most sought after dogs  by all fans of this sport.

Hungarian white

He has a lot of energy, and because of his size and personality – he gets stressed easily – he needs a lot of exercise. Therefore, hunting is not just a job, but something very beneficial for your health.


This dog’s agility is obvious if we just look at its long legs and athletic build. 

He is slim but strong, with pronounced muscles and great  intelligence. In addition, he is persevering and has a highly developed sense of smell.


These are the most common hunting dog breeds around the world. There are certainly many others, but these, for their personality and good work, have earned a prominent place in this list.

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