Differences Between French Bulldog And English Bulldog

Differences between the French Bulldog and the English Bulldog

Within this family of molossos with great strength we can find differences between the French Bulldog and the English Bulldog. In this article, we’ll talk a little about the main features that set them apart.

Main differences between the French Bulldog and the English Bulldog

The bulldog originated in England and until the 19th century it was used for fights with very strong animals, including bulls.

The English Bulldog’s popularity was overshadowed by its French version,  created after the British traveled to the mainland taking their pets with them.

Below, learn about the main differences between the English Bulldog and the French Bulldog… despite being close relatives, they are not alike:

  1. Size

It is undoubtedly one of the main features they do not share. While the English Bulldog weighs about 30 kilos and measures about 50 centimeters in height, the French one does not exceed 15 kilos and 30 centimeters. However,  both have a robust appearance and a strong body.

Although the bulldog originated in England, the French version has eclipsed the English one, perhaps because its size is smaller, something that most apartment-dwellers consider.

English and French Bulldog in a pool

  1. Ears

This is another of the big differences between the English Bulldog and the French Bulldog, as the former has ears that match the head, “turned” down and to the sides.

In the case of the second, they are very large, are always upright and protrude from the head. That’s why he is known as “dog bat”.

  1. head and face

Although  both are brachycephalic,  that is, they have a flattened snout, there are some interesting differences in the heads of each breed.

The French Bulldog’s is more proportionate in relation to the body, and the English Bulldog’s, in addition to being square and huge, has the famous prominent cheekbones.

types of bulldog dogs

  1. Personality

The English Bulldog is very calm and doesn’t like exercise or effort. The French Bulldog, on the other hand, is usually quite restless and playful as long as it’s not too hot, as both breeds suffer a lot from the heat, and in that they’re equal.

  1. Obedience

As French is more nervous than English, it is also more difficult to train. This characteristic of the breed makes it one of the least obedient ones  there is; even if you start training it from a puppy.

  1. Special cares

The French Bulldog needs its ears to be always clean, because due to its size and shape, it often accumulates dirt.

As for the English Bulldog, its main problem is in the “folds” of its face,  which can retain moisture and develop bacteria that cause infections, fungi and bad smells.

  1. Health

It is essential that all dogs receive veterinary attention and are vaccinated as appropriate; but also that they be treated according to the specific pathologies or problems of their races.

The differences between the English Bulldog and the French Bulldog at this point are totally opposite, although  both can have respiratory problems. 

The former is in somewhat poorer health: he suffers from stomach problems and, in several cases, seizures, and is also more likely to suffer heat stroke. The second, on the other hand, is generally healthier.

  1. home adaptation

The English Bulldog is chosen mainly by people who live in a house, as it is bigger. French, on the other hand, is preferred by families or couples who live in an apartment in the city, due to its small size.

However, what many don’t know is that the exercise requirement is higher in the latter case and therefore there must be more outdoor space.

  1. food

Another of the differences between the English Bulldog and the French Bulldog has to do with their diet,  precisely because of the amount they consume each day.

The former is very prone to obesity because he likes to eat and not exercise. As a result, they increase your chances of suffering bone injuries or even heart disease. French, on the other hand, is generally not stuffed with food and “maintains” its shape.

Both the English Bulldog and the French Bulldog are beautiful, loyal, companions and very affectionate animals. So whatever breed you choose, we’re sure you won’t regret it.

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