How To Eliminate Wet Dog Smell

When dogs get wet, they give off the unpleasant smell of wet dog. To avoid this smell, we should put waterproof clothing on our pet.
How to Eliminate the Wet Dog Smell

It’s already happened to you: you went for a walk, the rain started suddenly and your pet got soaked. His best friend’s odor became unbearable and spread throughout the house. But don’t worry, now you’ll know how to eliminate the wet dog smell.

Why does a wet dog smell so bad?

This is certainly one of the questions you’ve asked yourself many times. It doesn’t matter if it got  wet from the rain  or  if you gave your pet a bath; instead of smelling good, it now smells awful.

wet dog shaking

When this natural oil comes into contact with water, whether it is from rain, fresh or salt water, it enhances the activity of a bacteria that emits an unpleasant odor. That’s why, as soon as a dog gets wet, it needs to be dried to get rid of this microorganism and therefore the bad odor that the bacteria releases.

How to Eliminate the Wet Dog Smell

To eliminate the wet dog smell,  you need to dry your pet immediately. But what will happen if you don’t? Well, it’s very likely that your dog, your stuff, and your house will smell bad. What to do then?

ventilate the house

First of all,  open windows and doors to the odor  dissipate. This will allow the room to aerate and allow clean air to enter.

bathe and dry your dog

Bathe your dog again, or if he’s clean and just wet from the rain, just dry him. It’s important that you  don’t let it get soaked around the house, as this will increase the wet dog smell.

owner drying dog

After drying, you can apply a mild cologne that, although your dog doesn’t like it, will help the  bath  last longer and leave a pleasant smell around the house.

Clean the house

The best thing to do is, after your pet is clean and dry, that you leave it in a separate room while you clean the house. Once this is done, your pet will be able to walk freely around the house again and everything will return to normal.

wash your things

Your bed and blanket also absorb the smell of wet dog. So put his accessories straight into the washing machine! The same should be done with other fabrics that your dog may have used, whether on the bed or on the sofa, without you noticing or not having had time to act.

What else can I do?

Another tip we can give you to avoid the smell of wet dog is that you buy a  raincoat and waterproof boots for your dog. For those who don’t like to dress their dogs because they think they look ridiculous, know that this is even more practical than having to bathe them afterwards.

So when you get home, you  ‘ll only have to dry your paws, which will save you time and avoid bad odors.

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