What Are The Most Severe Bites?

Some stings are so strong that they can kill, although there are some that, although a priori not fatal, can be if the affected person is allergic.
What are the most serious bites?

In the animal world there is a wide variety of creatures whose main defense and hunting weapon is the sting, by which they introduce toxins into the bloodstream. The bites of these animals are, for the most part, very painful and, in many cases, can also be dangerous to human health. But what are the most serious bites?

The most serious and dangerous bites

red ant

One of the most serious and painful stings is that of red ants. This species can be found in Asia, Australia and America. 

In the United States, they tried to stop its expansion, but without success, so the chances of finding this species are very high in this territory.

red ant

Experts describe the pain that this sting produces something like an electric shock. It’s sharp and sudden.

The poison they inject is made up of a natural alkaloid that generates painful neurotoxic activity.

In general, this poison does not pose a danger to humans, except when the person is allergic.

In these cases, there is a risk of   anaphylactic shock and, if not treated in time, the affected person could lose his life.

european bee

The European bee, also known as the domestic bee,  is the bee species with the largest presence in the world.

It is native to Africa, Europe and part of Asia, but was introduced to Oceania and America.

european bee

The sting of this animal is quite frequent and, like the red ant, it  represents a danger only if the person is allergic. As for the pain, it is described as corrosive and hot, very painful but tolerable.

witch ants

Sorceress ants have such a painful sting that it is said, with irony, that they are capable of killing a cow.

Only females have a sting sting.

witch ants

One of the most important aspects of your sting is that not only is the pain it can cause profound, but also how long it can last.

These ants can be found primarily in New Mexico, California, Texas and Arizona.

hunting wasp

The hunting wasp is one of those with the most severe and painful stings in the animal kingdom ; the pain level is described as an electrical whip.

This species can reach up to five centimeters in length and chase tarantulas to feed their larvae.

With its sting, the hunting wasp captures, stings and paralyzes.

This species  can be found mainly in Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia and the Americas. The good news is that this wasp rarely stings if it doesn’t feel threatened.

Cape Verdean ant: the most painful bite

There are many animals whose bites are really painful.

However, the Cape Verdean ant tops that list, at least as far as the order Hymenoptera is concerned.

Cape Verdean Ant

Its name comes precisely from the sting, as those who have experienced it say it  is a pain similar to shooting a bullet.

The Cape Verde ant’s pain score is 30 points higher than that of any bee  and advances four points above the hunting wasp.

The sting itself is very painful, but the worst thing is the neurotoxic poison that makes you feel a terrible burning throughout the affected area. The pain from the sting  can last for more than 24 hours.

dangerous bites

The sting of the Leiurus quinquestriatus scorpion   (common name: death stalker) is not only painful but also extremely dangerous for its victims, including humans.

This species is found in remote areas of Africa and has been responsible for the deaths of many humans.

Another dangerous species of scorpion is  the  Androctonus . The poisons of these species relentlessly attack the nervous system.

The Australian sea wasp, a species of jellyfish of the cubozoan class, is another of the most dangerous species. 

They are capable of sending thousands of barbs that contain a powerful poison that attacks nerve tissue as well as muscle.

It is considered one of the most poisonous animals in the world and responsible for many deaths in Australia. Its poison can kill a man in just a few minutes.

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