The Nameless Dog And Its Tragic Story

The nameless dog and its tragic history

The first thing we do when we bring a pet home is give it a name. How are we going to have a friend we don’t know the name of? It’s impossible! Well, it’s not that much, and to show you that, let’s tell the story of a dog that the owner loved very much (in fact, he was his only companion in life) and that had no name.

However, this nameless dog did not have a happy ending. Despite the stiffening of the penalties against animal abuse in Spain, there are still cruel people who harm animals for the simple pleasure of feeling adrenaline. They say that everything in this world pays for itself. After we learn about this case, we hope even more that this is true.

the nameless dog


This nameless dog lived with its 87-year-old owner in Ribeira, Zamora, Spain.

One day, its owner, Antônio Velasco, died. No one knew until the neighbors started to miss him. Antônio did his work every day and went shopping for food and other supplies.

When the neighbors realized that they hadn’t seen him for several days, they went to his house and found him dead there, with his nameless dog. His pet refused to leave the house and stayed there living as if Antônio were still with him.

A family member of Antônio was in charge of giving him food daily. He went, put food and returned. He knew the nameless dog was always there, until he didn’t see him again. It was then that he realized that something terrible had happened and 5 days had already passed without him seeing the dog.

The tragic fate of the nameless dog

Someone passing by Ponte Pinheiro, which connects Villadepera with another place called Pinheiro, reported seeing a body hanging on the bridge. It was a dog that had a stone around its neck. Not long ago, a similar case occurred, and in both cases the lack of evidence prevented the criminal from being punished.

At the warning, the Civil Guard went to the scene of the facts to rescue the body. And then it turned out that someone had tied the rock to throw it down, but the rope that held the rock got tangled up in part of the bridge structure and the little bug hung. It is not known whether when he was released he was dead or if he had to suffer a harrowing death by hanging.

In any case, it was an unscrupulous act of cruelty that we hope can be cleared up and the guilty one convicted.

hard rescue

dog in the street

When the Civil Guard arrived at the scene of the facts, ready to recover the body of the nameless dog, they saw that the place where the animal was hanging was very difficult to access, so they tried to rescue it by climbing.

However, this could endanger the agents’ lives, so they called the GREIM (Mountain Rescue and Intervention Group).

They were able to “rescue” the animal by going down the bridge to the place where the dog was. Although the initial plan was to go down to the edge and from there take a boat, it was considered more feasible to go back up the bridge with the animal.

Once the body of the unnamed dog was rescued, it was handed over to the police, who undertook the investigation to discover the causes of death and to find out if there was any possible indication of who might have done it.

the evil of man

A sad story. Who could bother with an orphaned dog living in its owner’s house without bothering anyone? And was killing him the only option?

Man’s cruelty to animals has no limits and it is not surprising that many of them rebel in front of our presence. We very much hope that the day will soon come when people who mistreat animals receive their punishment.

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