Your Dog Can Now Have His Own Video Game

Your dog can now have its own video game

If you have an adult dog, you probably feel sorry for leaving him alone when you go to work and he ends up spending several hours without company. If he is still a puppy, in addition to the pity there is also the fear that he will destroy everything we have at home. Have you always wanted something that could entertain you until you returned home, and that would help you not think about the time that has passed since you left? Well, now your dog can have his own video game.

We have good news! Finally someone came up with the idea and invented a video game for dogs. Furthermore, it is not only a machine that will keep them busy, but they will also be able to enter the world of learning with it. Are you pinching yourself because you think you’re dreaming? We’ll tell you all about this great invention below.

Cleverpet, the video game for dogs

video game for dogs

An educational video game that will immerse your dog in a world of learning previously unknown to him. The CleverPet,  besides being a video game, also offers to its simple animal puzzles he will have to solve using their paws.

This new invention will be able to recognize your pet’s barks and will give him a prize, that is, a treat, every time he solves something. In addition, you can record your voice on it so that the animal does not see you as a stranger and believe that you are the one teaching yourself.

In addition, the game comes with Wifi connection and so it is possible to control the gestures and conquer your pet wherever you are, simply downloading it for free in its own application.

Just like any other video game, CleverPet’s inventors know that each animal has different abilities, and that’s why the game has several levels that you can adapt depending on your dog’s needs.

When I heard about this invention, which seems incredible and super interesting to me, I thought it would be something unreachable, with such a high cost that it would only allow access to the famous pets. However, the price is affordable: $259 (R$930). Are you still wondering if it’s worth buying? Seriously?

Other great inventions besides CleverPet

In this technological age, many inventions have emerged for pets. There were others who made life easier for both us and our dogs.

This video game is undoubtedly what makes our animal interact the most, but there are other technological creations that are also very good. Let’s take a brief tour of some of them:

Games for dogs

  • Pets welcome: It is a very useful application as we often want our pet to accompany us but we don’t take him where we go because we don’t know if they won’t let him in. With this new app you can check a list of hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops and others, where pets are allowed to enter. You can search for places near where you live, and if you are on vacation, you can also search for these establishments at your travel destination.
  • Tindog. An app for flirting. For your dog, not you! It will put you in touch with other owners and you can meet in a park or somewhere else to walk together with your friends and see if love arises…. among the animals! Or, who knows?
  • Pet first aid.  A first aid app for your pet. If at any time your faithful friend was in trouble and you didn’t know how to help him, with this app this would no longer be a problem. It is full of videos, images and advice for you to give your pet first aid if he needs it.
  • Dog walker. If there are times when you have too much work and taking your dog out for exercise may seem like an odyssey, there is a dog walker with which your pet can run and walk as much as they like.
  • Source for dogs. With a mechanism as simple as pressure (your dog will press a button with its paw), all the water your pet wants will come out. No more filling your water bowl all the time. The invention brings a painted animal paw so that your dog knows how to recognize and use the product quickly.

    These are just some of the recent technological inventions. Do you know any others that we and our readers would like to meet? Share with us!

    Image source: CleverPet Facebook Page

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