A 70 Kg Saint Bernard Was Blessed By The Pope At The Vatican

A 70 kg Saint Bernard was blessed by the Pope at the Vatican

The Pope is, without a doubt, an important figure around the world. Who has never heard of Pope Francis? Many say he chose his name after St. Francis of Assisi, although we don’t yet know why, it seems that the Pope’s love for animals can give us a clue. Let’s get to know the story of his blessing to the St. Bernard dog.

St. Francis of Assisi was known for his love of animals and it seems that Pope Francis will not be left behind. Let’s tell the story of a St. Bernard dog who wanted to meet the supreme pontiff.

The Pope blesses the dog Saint Bernard

Although Saint Bernard is known for his kindness and his noble personality, what would you do if he came running after you? Would you dare touch it? Possibly not…

Because when Magnum, a “small” 70kg animal ran to Pope Francis, the Pope didn’t change and, without knowing him, without even letting the animal smell him, he stroked and blessed him, as if he were a child helpless.

What the Pope didn’t know is that Magnum had a lot in common with him. This “small” São Bernardo is part of a project that the “Barry Fondation”, located in Switzerland, and prepared to help the less fortunate.

Claudio Rosseti’s commitment to meeting the Pope and also taking Magnum, his dog St. Bernando, was to introduce him to the non-profit project he had in hand, as well as one of its fundamental pieces, or rather, a representation of these, Magnum.

Barry Foundation Project

The St. Bernard that the Pope blessed at the Vatican is one of 40 dogs that the Barry Fondation is using to help children and the elderly.

These dogs help mentally, mentally and emotionally both children and the elderly who, for one reason or another, are in hospitals. By way of therapy, dogs make the day-to-day life behind the cold walls of a hospital much easier and the discomfort more bearable.

Making this important work known through a character as popular as the Pope was undoubtedly a profit for this foundation, as many are now aware of it, as well as the existence of the Barry Fondation.

With this they also want to make the “Col du Grand Saint-Bernard” (Port of the Greater São Bernardo) the country’s identifying seal, and it is very likely that after this lucky break, they will succeed. They say that it was from this Port in Switzerland in particular that the first São Bernardo emerged.

In addition, the project is sponsored and supervised by UNESCO, which gives it the importance and seriousness it needs.

The Pope didn’t just bless Magnum, but also listened to Claudio explain the details about his project and even joked that “when they come back, Magnum will bring the bottle”

The Saint Bernards usually carry a bottle of whiskey around their necks, they use it in rescue work. Without a doubt it is one of the greatest characteristics of this breed. If you see one and you’re not quite sure whether or not it’s a St. Bernard, just look at the animal’s neck and look for the beautiful barrel they have hanging.

What is not very clear is why the Pope asked me to bring it, does he like whiskey?

Jokes aside, what seems to please the faithful of the religion the Pope represents is that it seems that the Argentine pontiff is close to the people and is always willing to spend his time with others.

If you like dogs and treat them well, it is certain that you have already won points with those who, although not Catholic, love animals.

Will the Church gain more faithful from this? Only time will tell…

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