A Dog Who Saved His Family From Attack Is Abandoned

A dog that saved his family from an attack is abandoned

in mid august in 2014, get or circulating on social networks an article published on the website of New York City Animal Care and Control Center , in which was counted The history of like a ç I think who saved a family’s life from a bear attack was abandoned.

oh history evidences very clearly and blunt the level of ingratitude that humans are capable of achieving, ingratitude that has been shown by many media and shared fall between different networks per people who can’t understand ro what happened.

it’s about duke, a german shepherd in four years old, who was handed over to the Animal Control Center, because your relatives claimed they had pet allergies . They were the ones who told the center managers the story that Duke saved them from a bear that would be three times the size of a human being of average height, during a family trip, showing that he is a dog protector,  that’s why they considered that somebody more it could give the dog a home.

However, which is really sad in this story is that, despite what was mentioned by the family, who among other things said ram which was a sweet dog, tender and knew how to respond to various orders, none of them even looked to the side to say one last goodbye to Duke when the delivered plow to the s care of the C I enter.

dog abandoned in shelter

Something that made the situation worse for Duke, which was quite difficult in the case of a big-sized adult dog , was the fact that have been filed with behavior problems having growled to some employees of the Center. This meant that adoption options would be quite limited,  how it was registered as a ” New Hope ” ( New Hope , in English), which means it can only be adopted by a family that has proven experience t ratting dog cases aggressive .

However, Duke’s family said that the dog was very affectionate and only was used to be a little suspicious of those people he didn’t know, but that the animal had no history of aggression against people or other animals. Despite this, because of how difficult it would be to find a new home for this dog. , he was placed on the list of adoption urgent, which meant it could be sacrificed any time .

meet the dog story , Besides see the image in which if you can see it very scared and O payment that gave you your family for your loyalty caused one indignation general in the social networks hey y, which was a very lucky fact. to Duke, because a support agency that knew about the her story was to help him.

abandoned dog

now duke meets at the Petharbor Foundation waiting for a new family, we hope that is definitive . Although not there has been none recent news about your current condition, so it can be guaranteed from to this loyal friend a quiet wait , without the risk of euthanasia.

In a further investigation fulfilled about this dog’s family was found clues of what the real reason for them to give Duke up for adoption could be due to problems with the caretaker . It’s these kind of stories why the people must laugh realize that have a pet should not be a decision made so quickly .

There are many factors, such as space, neighbors and you cost s that give what , regardless of good behavior or how much you want to have one Pet, they end up being abandoned, handed out to third parties irresponsibly or left in a shelter.

Fortunately, the story Duke took a positive turn, thanks to the hundreds of people what shared what happened. we hope he be likely to get the house that he deserve.

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