A Dog’s Boundless Love For Its Owner In A Hospital

The boundless love of a dog for its owner in a hospital

When they post on the internet images of the limitless love that a dog can express for its owner, they will likely go viral immediately. This was the case of a video that shows the reunion of Lobo, a beautiful German Shepherd, with Rodolfo Castelo, his owner, who was admitted to the University Hospital Marquês de Valdecilla, in Santander, Spain.

Wolf, the dog that feels unlimited love for its owner

The man, who suffered a spinal cord injury, had been hospitalized for two months for a wound in the sacrum. During all this time he could not see wolf, which besides being his assistance dog, is, above all, his great friend.

Therefore,  the emotion invaded all present when finally the furry was able to visit Castelo and thus express to him, licking his face as much as possible, the limitless love he feels for him.

“The reunion served me as therapy, I recharged my batteries,” said Rodolfo. He added: “We spent a lot of time apart. We missed it”. The hospital stay would not exceed 10 days, but due to a complication it lasted much longer.

The story of Lobo and Rodolfo

Castelo and Lobo have been inseparable for six years. He trained it himself so that he could watch it. “It’s like he’s my hands and my legs. If I’m not with him, I feel naked”, he explains.

Rodolfo suffered a car accident more than 15 years ago, which left him in a wheelchair. In addition to not being able to walk, he also cannot move his left arm.

This is how the dog, in addition to accompanying you, helps you in several other things. From activating the light switch to alerting you to the existence of an obstacle in the street, to a long list of small tasks.

How did Lobo’s meeting with his owner in the hospital become possible


Source: Rodolfo Castelo Facebook

Although the legislation in this Spanish region does not authorize the presence of animals in health institutions, Lobo’s visit was the first exception, and the topic is already on the authorities’ agenda.

That’s how Rodolfo’s relatives and the team of nurses got together in the hospital room to witness the happy reunion.

When they took off Lobo’s strap when entering the room where his owner was, he went straight to sniff the wheelchair. Meanwhile, Rodolfo watched him from hiding under the sheets.

But the furry man immediately saw his master on the bed and jumped over him to fill his face with licks and thus express the limitless love he feels for him. Meanwhile, Rodolfo caressed him and told him: “How long…! I didn’t abandon you! ”

Here we leave you some scenes of the expected reunion:

Castle was discharged and Lobo is happy

Back to separate Lobo from his owner was not easy, he wanted to pull the strap to get the owner out of the hospital room. But luckily, Rodolfo has already been discharged and little by little is returning to his normal life with the dog.

While he was hospitalized, Lobo was under the responsibility of family and friends from Castelo. But the absence of his owner caused him a lot of sadness and he was waiting for him until late at night on the access ramp to his house.

Castelo plans, in the near future, to become a dog handler. At the moment, he enjoys the company of his close friend as he continues his recovery.

Images source: Rodolfo Castelo’s Facebook.

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