A Japanese App Reveals How Your Dog Feels

A Japanese app reveals how your dog feels

The Japanese company Anicall created a device so that we can know the emotions of our pets,  what they feel, if they are sad, afraid, if they are happy, etc. Through an electronic device, a cellular system will transmit a signal to our cell phone with the translation of information about the animal’s condition. This advance serves to consolidate the relationship between the dog and its owner, while providing more comfort to the owner of the animal.

The idea is  a collar that we put on the animal,  so that, through the analysis of its movements, we have the possibility of knowing what state of mind it is in. Your emotions will be transmitted to our smartphone through a signal. This analysis of actions and activities can recognize up to 40 different movements.

At first,  it only works when we are close to our pets,  but it will be possible, even when we move away, to be able to know the  dog’s behavior  from a distance.

The Japanese app that lets you control the mood

affection in dog

Another advancement of pet collars is the ability to view on a computer device monitor the different moods and what our pets feel. The variables are very diverse, the general behavior of the breed and other physical data, depending on various parameters, such as age, weight, etc. With this information, it will be possible to know through the monitor if the  dog’s health  is good, and what actions can be taken to improve it, etc.

Through microcomputers, we can also know what our pets feel. There is a mechanism that consists of putting a phone on our friends to “know” what they think, through the sensations of happiness, sadness, cold, hunger, joy, etc.

It is a device that uses a speaker and a monitor and, in addition, a computer will be in charge of manifesting this information. This information can even be translated into voice format by making a sound. Each owner can choose the type of voice they want to associate with these signals,  depending on what is most adaptable to their pet’s “personality”.

A number of studies are improving these types of systems to get them more functionality and to be more practical in the daily lives of dogs and owners. The purpose is to know, through barking, what the dogs are feeling, and translate everything to the monitor.

There are other devices that assess the sadness that our dog feels  when we are not at home and we have to leave him alone. That way, we will get through an Internet connection and through a video call, the possibility of some kind of communication with our dogs.

How to control our dog’s movement

dog training

When taking a walk with our dog, it is important to be constantly watching him, but this is not always an easy thing to do, and our friend will run away at any time. In case this happens, there are several devices that serve to show, every five seconds, the movements of our pet, in addition to indicating the path taken. It’s a very practical way to control the animal.

Although our dog’s instinct is enough to be able to locate us at short distances, for our peace of mind, these types of devices have a system, in which  the information can be indicated on a map and in a social network available to the owners. In it, it is possible to save the path taken by the pet, and it is also possible to create profiles for the dog.

There is a type of device that allows us to  reward our pet with one of their most desired things,  their favorite treat. This device works through a connection to a Wireless router; through a distributor we can be able to please our pet simply using our smartphone, wherever we are, even if it is far from home. There is a young man named Broocke Marti, who has decided to investigate, on his own, the feelings of a pet. He was able to demonstrate how this method clearly reduces  anxiety  in dogs.

In the case of dogs that have the habit of moving away from their owners, there is a type of  collar called “rescue mode”,  a simple and functional device so that we know at all times where our pet is, allowing us to locate them easily.

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