A Two-legged Kitten And Its Moving Story: Dino Cat

A two-legged kitten and its moving story: Dino Cat

There are stories full of overcoming spirit that touch our hearts and make us learn a lot about animals. This is the case with Moggy, a kitten that has only two legs; always know how to go forward with joy and enjoying life. Today, we are going to tell you her story, from which we can all learn a lot.

Moggy, a very happy two-legged kitten

Moggy is a kitten who lives in Thailand. One day, a terrible accident happened in the place where she was, unfortunately. Some loose wires caused an electrical discharge, and luckily, Moggy was there.

Source: ayayay.tv

Because of the accident, this kitten lost two legs and also its tail. But she was willing not to surrender. Despite the bad premonitions, as the neighbors thought that a bomb had gone off, they saw that a stray kitten, which they found a week after the incident, was about to die.

Moggy was seriously injured. But a woman took her in and gave her the veterinary help she needed. Her front legs and her tail were gone. The lady named her Moggy and never gave up hope that she could recover.

With the strength of the appointments with the veterinarian, the healing of her wounds and a lot of love, Moggy became the happy kitten you know today.

Moggy becomes famous on the Internet

Although there are currently prostheses for Moggy’s problem, his owner didn’t want to put them on her. That’s because this two-legged kitten develops wonderfully with only two hind legs. People are very strong and you can go up and down stairs and out of bed, jump and do whatever you need to be happy.

Her story of resilience couldn’t remain hidden from the world. Therefore, the owner of Moggy has made public the experiences of the kitten on social networks, so that she can help all those who are going through difficult situations.

Soon her experience echoed on the Internet and reached thousands of people. The peculiar way she walks her walk has earned her the affectionate nickname of Dino Cat. This nickname comes from the famous Tyrannosaurus rex, which walked on two legs and, in addition, she has two very small front paws attached to her body.

Dino Cat or Moggy, as those who know her call her, is famous on the Internet. But we are certain that what makes her most happy is having found a home, where she can be happy and in which she feels wanted and loved.

Source: ayayay.tv

Overcoming animals

Moggy’s story isn’t the only one of animals that went through accidents and were forced to overcome each other and have a better life.

Unfortunately, there are many who, through mistreatment or unfortunate accidents, have lost some of their members.

Thinking about the reaction of animals to such circumstances helps us to face our daily problems in the best way. Their stories give us encouragement to be strong and to be able to move forward whenever we want, that we have the will to live and the will to fight, even when the strength runs out.

The story of this two-legged kitten made us see this more clearly, and the example of many other animals makes us sure of this. So, whatever happened in your life – you are alive! And life is a gift that we have to enjoy day by day. Don’t forget that you will never be younger than you are today. Live each day as if it were your last, just as the animals teach us.

Images source: ayayay.tv

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