Andalusian Horse: Meet This Ancient Breed

Andalusian Horse: get to know this ancient breed

There are many breeds of horses that we can find in the world. Knowing more about them helps us to have a more special connection with these wonderful animals that share their existence with us. Today, we will talk more about the Andalusian horse.

Also known in Spain as a Spanish purebred horse, this specimen is, to say the least, majestic. Do you want to know more about him? Well, let’s go!

All about the Andalusian Horse

history and origin

As with some other horse breeds, or even other animal species,  the origin of the Andalusian horse has never been determined with certainty. However, they are dated to the pre-Roman era, as there is evidence for the existence of horses from that era that have many similarities to the Andalusian horse we know today.

Roman philosophers and authors described this race as beautiful, elegant, docile, brave, but arrogant and with vigor to participate in wars or in the games of Roman circuses.

During the 16th century, Filipe II created the Royal Stables of Cordoba, in which the best stallions and mares of the Guadalquivir River area were found. Thus, the famous Coudelaria Real was created, which later became known as Coudelaria Nacional.

It was in these stables that the Andalusian horse appeared, which arrived in America when many specimens were sent from Spain. Therefore,  most of the horse breeds that have developed on the American continent have characteristics very similar to those of the Andalusian horse.

Cavalo de raça pura espanhola ou cavalo andaluz
Source: Angel Aroca Escamez

Characteristics of the Andalusian Horse


Its head is proportional to the size of its body, with an almost straight silhouette. Their ears are medium and mobile, perfectly parallel. His forehead is slightly arched and his eyes give off a very bright and intense countenance, full of expressiveness.


It is medium in size and gently arched, very muscular, strong and rigid.


The back muscles are muscular, with the buttocks slightly arched and the legs very wide. Its hull is broad, strong and very well defined.

Your back is muscular, flexible and broad. Also strong are your arms and forearms.

your moves

The Andalusian horse is agile, with movements full of harmony and cadence. It has a predisposition for maneuvers, such as turning around its body.

Personality and temperament of the Andalusian horse

The Andalusian horse is versatile and has a balanced, noble and docile personality, easily adapting to situations, circumstances and riders. Responds quickly to the order you are given, demonstrating your aptitude for obedience and learning.

Learn more about the Andalusian horse

This spectacular horse is highly coveted by fans of the equestrian world. So, we want to talk a little more about him and how he was created.

Curiosidades sobre o cavalo espanhol de raça pura ou cavalo andaluz
Source: Valencia Caballo

For breeders to be qualified to breed, they must meet a series of requirements. This will prevent the breed from being mixed and losing its pedigree. Here are some of those requirements:

  • Males must always pass the height of 155 centimeters at the withers (153 centimeters in females).
  • They must always exceed the minimum functional requirements, which are marked on the TRC (Courts of Qualified Breeders).
  • They must successfully pass the radiological examination to rule out diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis and others.
  • A check must be made on your reproductive apparatus to rule out faults preventing reproduction.
  • Males must pass a riding test so that their attitude when riding with a saddle is assessed.

This is the information we wanted to share so you can learn more about this wonderful breed. A horse full of elegance, intelligence and strength.

Source of images: David De Biasí and Angel Aroca Escamez.

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