Ascites Symptoms In Dogs

In this article, we’ll tell you everything you should know about ascites in dogs. In short, it’s an abdominal effusion!
Ascites symptoms in dogs

Also known as ‘abdominal effusion’, ascites in dogs  occurs when fluid builds up – abnormally – in the abdominal cavity. Although not a problem in itself, what worries veterinarians are the disturbances caused. In this article, we’ll give you more information about this canine disease.

Ascites in Dogs: Definition and Causes

First, we need to understand what ascites is in dogs. Many say it is an ‘abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen’, but it is more than that. After all, ascites itself is not a problem, but the disorder that causes it.

This abdominal effusion can be caused by some pathology in the animal’s organs, blood vessels or lymph nodes. Therefore, it is essential to take him to the veterinarian so that a complete exam can be done.

Among the different possible causes for ascites in dogs, the best known are:

  • Cardiac insufficiency
  • hemorrhagic tumors
  • Rupture of blood vessels
  • Low blood protein levels
  • Disorders in blood clotting
  • Kidney problems (eg nephritic syndrome)
  • Congestive heart failure (ie, the heart does not supply enough blood to the body)
  • liver diseases
  • Inflammation of the membrane surrounding the abdominal viscera
  • abdominal cancer
  • bladder rupture
  • Abdominal bleeding
  • Trauma that caused the rupture of internal organs

Ascites symptoms in dogs

Ascites in Dogs: Symptoms

The warning signs in case of ascites in dogs can be varied and,  in addition, many of the symptoms cannot be detected with the naked eye. That’s why it’s very important to pay attention to certain behavior changes in your pet, as it will likely mumble more than usual, even while lying down.

Some of the signs of ascites are:

  • Unexplained weight gain (swollen-appearing abdomen)
  • Abdominal distension
  • Progressive loss of appetite
  • vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing, agitation
  • Reduction of physical activity or play
  • Lethargy
  • Moans and signs of pain when lying down or getting up
  • In males, there is also accumulation of fluid in the penis or testicles.
  • Pleural effusion due to accumulation of fluid in the chest wall

Ascites in Dogs: Treatment and Prevention

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, it’s imperative to take him to a veterinarian’s appointment. The professional will perform the exams he/she considers appropriate to diagnose the condition. The most common tests in these cases are radiography and abdominal ultrasound. A urine test may also be requested.

When there is a diagnosis of ascites in dogs, the next step is to extract the fluid accumulated in the abdomen. This can be done in a number of ways, although puncture is the most frequent. Finally, the liquid is taken to the laboratory for analysis.

Ascites symptoms in dogs

If the cause of this disease is an infection, your veterinarian will also prescribe antibiotics to fight it, and if the cause is a tumor, he may recommend surgery to remove it. It is important to know that ascites in dogs is curable as long as it is possible to ‘attack’ what caused it.

Many owners wonder if ascites can be prevented and the answer is the same as above: it all depends on its origin. The best way to prevent pet illnesses is to take them to a veterinarian once or twice a year.

In addition, we recommend that you correctly choose the food that is given to the dog, in order to avoid low levels of protein in the blood and sodium accumulation. We also recommend the use of a collar on tours to avoid accidents or trauma and that the vaccination schedule is followed to the letter.

This way, it will be less likely – although not 100% impossible – that the animal will suffer from ascites or any other health problem.

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