Attention! Never Force Your Dog To Walk On Two Legs

A beautiful Poddle is filmed walking on two legs. Then half the planet explodes with excitement through their cell phones. It seems to do it easily, very natural and unaided. But the damage to your anatomy is incalculable.

Even worse are the hours of torture and abusive training that some of these dogs endure to amuse us. What most people don’t know is that behind these viral videos is a story of horror, pain and suffering.

Forcing a dog to walk on its hind legs can lead to serious health problems. Not to mention that this practice could be considered an act of animal abuse. This brings us to the controversial viral video Dou Dou. She is the famous bitch from Shanghai who is going viral on social media.

Dou Dou: the little dog that walks like you, on two legs

A few weeks ago, a video, starring a brown poodle, went viral. Thousands of people marveled at her ability to run and jump the same way we do, on two legs .

Less cautious Internet users enjoyed and shared the material with fascination. Soon, another group of people started posting videos about the treatment.  humiliating that these dogs receive with the intention of forcing them to learn these kind of “tricks”.

The controversy soon came to light. Dou Dou was possibly a bitch exploited by a handler.

In almost all the photos, the poddle appears to be upright and dressed in different dresses, like a little girl . What terrifies activists is that other people try to train their dogs to attract attention on social media.

Peta joined the criticism

It didn’t take long for the animal protection organization Peta took a stand on this: “Animals don’t exist for our entertainment, period.” With this and other messages, activists invite us to think twice before pressing the “like” or “retweet” button.

This seems to be the effect of a culture that seeks to humanize domestic animals in an exaggerated way.

Negative health effects

The anatomy of dogs is designed exclusively for walking and running with all four limbs. To be more specific, a dog’s back is made to support a maximum of 60% of its total weight.

Unlike them, humans are prepared to support 100% of their body weight using their legs. What happens to dogs that learn to walk on two legs is that they strain the muscles and bones to maintain excess weight in an unusual and unusual position.

It’s not that sometimes the dogs themselves can lift their front paws, but this movement is transitory. Those who train dogs to walk like a man can only achieve it through physical violence and fear of the animal.

There are many veterinary experts who believe that this practice can cause considerable problems in the dog’s spine and knees . This is all in addition to the characteristics of each race.

the owner’s version

A few days ago, statements from the alleged owner of Dou Dou were released. His name is Wen. According to him, the Chinese bitch has been standing up since she was a few months old . What he believes is that the pet suffers from a strange congenital condition.

However, it is known that there are trainers who prepare domesticated dogs for this unnatural walk. Also, in some of the videos, it looks like Wen gives the dog orders. This point generates a lot of mistrust.

What is certain is that the Exaggerated animal humanization can lead to cruelty to other species. It’s one thing to feel affection for a dog and quite another to pretend it acts like a human being. In any case, there are questions to be asked.

Our responsibility, as animal protectors, is to inform us well before supporting any kind of “circus” numbers with our pets.

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