Breast Tumor In Dogs And Cats, A Very Dangerous Disease

Breast tumor in dogs and cats, a very dangerous disease

The breast tumor in dogs and cats is a condition that, just as occurs with humans, above all, it is important to try to prevent and when not possible, treat urgently due to the risks that a malignancy may cause in animals.

Anyway, there are different treatment possibilities so that our dear pets can recover or so that they can go through the disease with a better quality of life.

Characteristics of breast tumors in dogs and cats

A tumor is defined as any abnormal growth of a part of the body. The indiscriminate increase in cells then forms a tumor that can be benign or malignant. In the latter case, it is cancer.

There are breeds of dogs that are more predisposed to developing tumors, including breasts, which represent 42% of all cancers in dogs.

Cats, in turn, suffer to a lesser extent from this pathology (17% of neoplasms). However,  feline breast tumors are more aggressive : 90% are malignant.

On the other hand, only a percentage between 35% and 50% of breast tumors in dogs present malignancy.

Furthermore, this is a pathology that is not exclusive to females. Males can also suffer from it, albeit to a lesser extent, but with a worse prognosis.

Some measures to prevent breast tumors in dogs and cats

sick cat

Prevention, first and foremost, is the general rule in many things in life. In the case of pets and these types of tumors, the recommendation is:

Castrate at an early age

If the animals are not destined for reproduction, the sooner they are sterilized the better, since  the hormonal stimulus favors the development of tumors.

Think that a female, with her heat and some possible psychological pregnancy, could be a victim of this pathology between 7 and 9 years.

Examine the animal constantly

In the form of a game or caress, it is always a good idea to periodically feel them – breasts and armpits – in order to notice any abnormality that requires an urgent consultation with the veterinarian. It is important that the review is done daily because some tumors grow very quickly.

Take your pet to the vet often

A good routine check-up should include a breast exam to rule out this condition.

In advanced cases, in which the tumor has not been detected previously, it may be that the reason for the consultation is lameness (when the animal limps) or dyspnea (difficult breathing) due to pulmonary metastasis, as the tumor cells move by blood or lymph.

How to face the treatment of this disease

Treatments that can be applied for breast tumors in dogs and cats are surgical, oncologic, or a combination of both. The specialist will decide which is the best option according to the type of neoplasm and its condition.

Surgeries, in some cases, only reduce the size of the tumor, but do not remove it completely. For this reason, tumor cells will continue to multiply. Thus, there is a risk that the affected area will present wounds, infections or even sharp formations.

The use of chemotherapy has been shown to be effective in prolonging disease-free or survival time.

In addition, in animals, it is not usual to observe the same side effects that this treatment causes in people (hair loss, vomiting, frequent diarrhea, skin rash, etc.).

Even in cases of pulmonary metastasis, with proper treatment it can prevent the disease from progressing and also prolong the survival of affected animals.

Dog breeds with greater predisposition to breast tumor

Fox Terrier

Among the breeds of dogs that have a greater predisposition to develop this disease are:

  • Poodle;
  • Boston Terrier;
  • Fox Terrier!;
  • Airedale Terrier;
  • Samoyed;
  • Pointer;
  • Golden retriever;
  • Setter;
  • Cocker Spaniel.

Quality of life for a sick animal

Remember the importance of periodically examining your pet  to ensure early detection of this disease and to face effective treatment.

Also know that the diagnosis of cancer does not have to be received as a death sentence for animals.

In oncology, the effectiveness of treatments used is measured by disease-free time, survival and quality of life.

And, without a doubt, the love we must show our pets is a  fundamental part of this quality of life.

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