Broholmer: A Friendly Molosso

Broholmer: a friendly molosso

The broholmer breed originates from Denmark  and is generally not known beyond its territory. During the 20th century, it was on the verge of extinction, but a group of admirers of the breed wanted very much to get it back, and today, despite not being the most popular breed in the world, it still exists. Now, let’s tell you everything you need to know about broholmer dogs.

Origins of the broholmer dog

There are documents that allow us to know that this breed is very old. Its origin dates back to the records of the Middle Ages,  but it had its great expansion during the 18th century, thanks to the Count of Broholm, hence the name of this breed. Initially, these dogs specialized in hunting deer,  but ended up becoming guardians and protectors of homes and farms.

During World War II, it was on the brink of extinction, but some fans resumed breeding the breed in the 1970s. They created a standard for registering new dogs, and now the breed is healthy and well-populated.

the broholmer dog

The FCI classified Broholmer dogs into the second group: dogue-type molossoids. These days they live like pets, but they are also great guardians.

Physical characteristics of broholmer

Broholmer puppies are large dogs. This breed can measure between 55 and 70 cm to the withers and the adults have a weight that varies between 45 and 60 kg, with males being slightly larger than females.

They have a dogue-like appearance. The head is broad and square and the nose is usually the same length as the skull, while the neck is long and may have some loose skin. The lips are also usually a little droopy. Also, they have medium-sized, drooping, triangular ears. They have  a strong, robust build that highlights the large muscles of the hind legs. The chest is broad and strong, and they have a long tail that tends to fall into the shape of a sword when they are at rest.

On the other hand, its fur is characterized by being short and hard, yellow in color  with a black mask – face and muzzle – and a golden red. In addition, white patches may appear on the chest, feet, and tip of the tail.

Broholmer Personality

This breed tends to be calm and very self-confident.  However, it is a powerful dog that needs physical and mental exercise. He is generally friendly, though not enthusiastic, but like a good watchdog he can be suspicious of strangers. You may become territorial with strangers or other dogs,  but you will always be friendly and welcoming to your human family.

the broholmer dog

Like almost all large dogs, he likes tranquility and tends to be quite relaxed. He has a personality suitable for living indoors or in apartments, as long as outside the house there is the opportunity to exercise enough. That is, it  is a dog that can live in a house if it can enjoy a quality walk three times a day.

It should be noted that it is a breed that can pose a challenge at the time of training. It is not a dog that lacks intelligence, but needs an upbringing based on positive reinforcement and patience. You can get incredible results  if the training is done by a patient person who has experience with large dogs.

Broholmer Health and Care

There are no studies that link this breed with greater chances of suffering certain diseases. However, being such a big dog, we can take as reference several health problems typical of dogs over 35 kg.

In veterinary consultations, it is necessary to  check the health of your joints, as you tend to be prone to hip and elbow dysplasia. It would be beneficial to start from a young age on a specific diet for dogs prone to bone problems. Be aware that heart problems can also occur. Like other large-sized puppies, he  must have regular checkups at the veterinarian.

With regard to hair care, it should be noted that this species has a short coat and that it is constantly changing. He needs regular brushing which should be intensified in the molting season  (spring and autumn).

Finally, we must remember that the Broholmer is a molosso dog that has an air of dogue and although it is very friendly and quiet to live in an apartment, despite its large size, you must ensure that it will have enough space in your house. . You also can’t forget that it will need a few walks a day, so  if you have the time and a suitable place for the animal, it will not only be a silent companion, but also a guard dog for you and your family.

Image source: Ivarr and Pleple2000

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