Buy Or Adopt: Which Is Best For Me?

Buying or adopting: which is best for me?

This is a question many people ask themselves before taking a dog home. On the one hand, there are those who prefer to acquire it, paying a stipulated price. That way, they make sure it’s a healthy, pedigreed animal. On the other hand, there are those who say that rescuing a stray animal or from an institution is a much more supportive and beneficial act for the pet. But what is better? Buy or adopt? In this article we will say.

Buy or adopt? Why should we adopt a dog?

Let’s start with adoption. In that case, we’re giving a dog a second chance. Normally, this animal suffered from neglect, abuse, forgetfulness, hunger, cold, etc. Adopting an animal is, without a doubt, an act of great solidarity and love. When adopting, we are not concerned with the appearance, but with the dog’s chances of recovery. But it also consists in knowing that, even if he doesn’t survive, at least we offer affection in his last moments.

Who wouldn’t want a second chance to be happy? Furthermore,  it is known that adopted dogs are the most faithful and grateful in the world. They can give their lives for the person who rescued them from a sad, lonely and very painful world.

In addition, we must take into account that, for many animals, the options they have are: to be adopted, to die on the street or to live locked in a shelter, together with dozens of other dogs. The main advantage of adopting a dog is that you will save his life and offer him a more dignified existence  (which, of course, he deserves).

As many of these puppies have had a home before, or managed to survive on the streets, they will know how to behave in different situations (for example, to take care of themselves or to eat). With patience, he will begin to trust you and become your ally for life. 

You can save money if you don’t buy a dog. And, of course, you will avoid the commercialization of animals and bring home an already spayed pet.

Disadvantages of Adoption

There are also some disadvantages to adopting. For example, not knowing if the animal will be able to survive abuse or any disease it is facing. Furthermore, there is also the possibility that we may have to pay for very expensive treatment, which we cannot afford.

In many cases, dogs cannot walk and require special care that, for a person who works long hours outside the home, is very difficult to comply with.

We must also be careful if our house already has other pets, as the new member can transmit some disease to them. Lastly, you need to know that most of the pets being adopted are not puppies.

Buy or adopt? Why should I buy a dog?

Now, let’s talk about purchasing a pet. This act is not very well regarded by many people. Some believe that “you can’t buy a friend”. However, this is not always a bad thing. We can see it  as a decision that rescues an animal from living in a cage with other animals like it, waiting to be taken to a new home.

Buying a pet, you can choose the breed. They give us puppies that we can train and teach in our own way. In addition, in most cases, these are healthy animals, strong and with all vaccines up to date.

Disadvantages of purchase

The downside of buying a dog is that, for example, you will be supporting the creation and profit of people who raise their animals (in many cases, females are forced to give birth every time they come into heat and are not cared for. in the correct way). In this way, you will help to grow a business in which pets are considered commodities, rather than living beings with feelings.

Also, it is important to know that  dogs of certain breeds may require special care  (both medical and esthetic), that feeding can be costly and that the pedigree or purity certificate can be costly.

Finally,  when you take a puppy home, you should be patient enough to teach him where to go,  be careful that he doesn’t bite into things, and prevent him from suffering from illnesses typical of the first few months of life.

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