Can A Dog Use The Litter Box?

Can a dog use the litter box?

A dog can do his needs in a litter box, just like cats. But as long as a specific sand is used. Also, the crate must be in a suitable place and a command must be used to teach the animal.

Many dog ​​owners, despite loving their pets, are bothered by the effort of taking them out several times a day. Therefore, the question arises: can a dog do its necessities in a box, just like a cat?

Can a dog do his needs in a litter box?

Yes, it is possible. Think that dogs are even easier to train than cats. Therefore, they are able to learn almost anything you want to teach them. So, cleaning up in a litter box can be your new pet training project. How to do this?

get a box

First, you need a box that is the right size for your dog and one that is made of a strong material. Keep in mind that it shouldn’t be too tall, as you know the dog’s habit of scratching the ground after relieving themselves.

If you use a very deep box and add a lot of sand, the house will be a disaster. On the other hand, if it is a box that is too small, the animal will feel discomfort and will not be able to take care of its needs.

Buy dog ​​sand

Sand for dogs is different from that for cats, as the size of the grains is larger, generating more absorption.  You can choose different shapes and materials, but forget about cat litter, it gives off odors that can bother your pet.

A secret that can be useful to avoid bad odors is to put baking soda in the bottom whenever the box is full. You will see how it works!


find the right place

The litter box should be in a place where your dog spends a lot of time but is not visible from any point. Believe it or not, dogs are discreet and don’t like to be watched in their intimate moments.

Naturally, the box cannot be near the food and water, as he won’t be using them. They differentiate one thing from another very well.

teach him a command

For the pet to use your crate, you must teach it a command. Put it inside the box and choose a short command that indicates what you want, such as “box” or “use the box”. 

Leave it there for a few seconds, then take it out and repeat the process several times.  Later, try to get him in and out of the box with your command. Make him understand that the box is a safe place and part of his environment.

don’t scold him

It’s normal for your dog to not understand the purpose of the starter box and continue to go outside. But don’t scold him, treat him kindly and be patient.

dog peed on carpet

If he urinates outside the box, clean with a newspaper and place the paper over the box. That way, the scent will appeal to him the next time he needs to relieve himself, and he’ll probably do it inside the box.

watch it

If your dog has set times to eat, chances are he wanted to relieve himself at set times as well. As soon as you realize he’s going to pee or poop, use the command to make him go to the box, or even pick him up and take him there.

That way he’ll learn what the box is for.  Dogs have good associative memory and will be able to remember what the box is for and use it when needed.

use positive reinforcement

Give your friend a prize every time he uses the box, as this will reinforce his willingness to use it.  There’s nothing like a prize to motivate our pet.

You’ve seen that a dog can take care of his needs in a box and that it won’t take much effort to teach him the command. Just be patient and, above all, teach it with love and always relying on positive reinforcement.

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