Can Cats Eat Vegetables?

Despite their carnivorous habits, cats can eat vegetables. Of course, in limited quantities.
Can cats eat vegetables?

Without a doubt, a varied diet is synonymous with good health. However, in the case of our pet’s diet, questions may arise. For example, can cats eat vegetables? If so, what are the ideals and which should we avoid?

cats diet

Most felines, whether wild or domestic, tend to base most of their diet on almost exclusively carnivorous behavior. This means, among other things, that your digestive tract is better suited to processing animal protein than vegetable matter.

This is not to say that a cat’s diet should only include meat. The occasional contribution of vegetables is beneficial for your animal, as long as we know what types and quantity of vegetables we can offer. Normally, the vegetable contribution should not exceed 15% of the total ingested.

As with other pets, a balanced diet is the ideal option for the cat to grow up healthy. If you want your cat to start eating vegetables, there’s nothing better than taking him to a vet appointment first. This is the best way to ensure that the plant contribution is what is needed.

cats diet

Vegetables the cat can eat

First, it’s important to know that most vegetables that cats can eat  should be cooked in advance. Cooked vegetables help the cat to eat them better, and help with digestion if they are administered in moderation.

Among the most recommended plant foods for cats is carrots, a vegetable that will provide valuable fiber, minerals and vitamins, including K, C, E and beta-carotenes. This vitamin A precursor is perhaps the most important, as cats are not able to synthesize it on their own.

Boiled peas are also suitable for cats. They are a source of magnesium and vitamin B12. In addition to peas, we can include small portions of pumpkin, lettuce, green beans, cucumber – raw or cooked – or spinach. As you can see, the range of options is quite wide. But you have to remember that the amounts have to be small, so the best option for them is when these vegetables are mixed with everyday food.

Vegetables you the cat can eat

Vegetables to avoid

Within the list of vegetables not recommended for cats, there are some that we should avoid at all costs. Among the most dangerous are those belonging to the Allium genus :  garlic, onion and chives, among others. All of these vegetables contain thiosulfate, a compound that affects the structure of feline red blood cells and can cause anemia.

Other vegetables, while not to be avoided at all costs, should not be included. For example,  the stems and leaves of some nightshades – potatoes and tomatoes – are harmful, as they can interfere with the animal’s digestive system. So it’s best to avoid constantly offering them. In the case of potatoes, if we want to include them in the diet, we must first boil them.

As you can see, the option to feed your cat vegetables is not something that should be done anyway. As always, your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the best nutritional strategy to adopt.

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