Can Dogs Eat Oranges And Tangerines?

Dogs are omnivorous animals and, as such, can sporadically feed on fruit. Some will also accept the consumption of oranges and tangerines.
Can dogs eat oranges and tangerines?

It’s possible that your dog’s diet is almost entirely based on kibble or some type of processed food made from meat and flour, ie without the inclusion of citrus fruits. The variety of foods that can be eaten by a dog can be very wide, but can dogs eat oranges and tangerines without any implications?

To find out the answer to this question, we invite you to continue reading these lines. Next, we’ll explain why it’s advisable—or not—to offer these fruits to your pet.

Can dogs eat oranges and tangerines?

Believe it or not, dogs can eat oranges. As a sweet and juicy fruit, many dogs find it pleasant on the palate and are not bothered by its characteristic citrus flavor.

Veterinarians guarantee that the consumption of oranges is safe for dogs and, in addition, they are an excellent source of nutrients such as potassium, fiber and vitamin C. They are fruits that do not provide high sodium content, which makes them even more special .

All of these vitamins and micronutrients have a common purpose: to keep your pet’s immune system in good condition. For example, vitamin C promotes an improvement in the functions of the immune system, in addition to stimulating the body to produce collagen.

Although most dogs do not need an extra supply of vitamin C, in situations of intense exercise and long periods of stress, the liver’s ability to produce this vitamin may be diminished. Therefore, offering some orange in these cases is a very good option.

A dog sniffing orange on his foot.

Dogs can eat oranges and tangerines, but can they be dangerous fruits?

Like oranges, tangerines are also not harmful to dogs. In fact, the flavors of both fruits do not differ much from each other as they are very similar foods. If your pet likes oranges, it is more likely that he is also interested in tangerines.

The benefits obtained with the consumption of oranges are also present in the ingestion of tangerines. In addition, both fruits have a high water content, which favors your puppy’s hydration, especially in the hottest months of the year. The percentage of fiber that these fruits have also helps in the correct intestinal transit and in the formation of stools with good consistency.

However, if you are lucky enough to have a dog that likes the taste of this fruit, check out the recommendations below. It is important that you keep reading to learn how to properly offer these fruits to your pet.

How to offer oranges and tangerines to dogs?

Remember how powerful a dog’s sense of smell is? They have the ability to enhance this sense and perceive all the aromas in a much more intense way. Therefore, when presented with an orange or tangerine, they are more likely to reject them due to the strong odor given off by both.

To avoid this situation, the ideal is to remove the peel of these fruits. Then we suggest you do the following:

  • Remove the seeds: although they do not contain any specific substance that can harm dogs, some buds have many seeds that, when ingested, can cause discomfort.
  • Avoid buying highly acidic oranges and tangerines: to do this, before offering the fruit to the dog, you can try a segment and make sure it’s really sweet. A bad experience can cause your pet to reject these fruits on future occasions.
  • Better in wedges than juice: orange and tangerine juice alone can deteriorate tooth enamel when consumed in large quantities. In addition, your pet may be exposed to high concentrations of citric acid, which can cause an upset stomach and burning when defecating.

What are the safe amounts for dogs?

Any change in your pet’s usual diet can cause digestive problems, especially diarrhea. The best thing you can do is gradually incorporate new foods so that the body can recognize and assimilate them gradually.

In the case of the orange and tangerine segments that you can offer your dog, they should not exceed more than 15% of your total daily portion of food. One or two orange segments a day is an adequate amount, as an excess can cause looser stools.

As the recommended amount of intake is not large, you can use the orange segments as a reward and take them during a walk, for example. You can also use the tangerine wedges as a positive reinforcement during training.

It is worth remembering that both tangerines and oranges have, among many other things, natural sugars, which can cause changes in the blood values ​​of dogs. Therefore, it is best to avoid these foods in diabetic dogs. Dogs with diabetes cannot eat too much oranges, tangerines and other sweet foods.

A dog balancing an orange.

In addition to oranges and tangerines, there are other fruits that you can include in your dog’s diet that he is sure to love. In any case, always consult the veterinarian before offering them in order to avoid problems and poisoning due to their consumption. Remember: good nutrition is essential to maintaining a balance between your pet’s health and well-being.

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