Can Your Pet Eat Fish?

Can your pet eat fish?

There are certain foods that, even though they are good for human consumption, are not so good for the animal. Food poisoning can have serious health consequences for any pet. It is necessary to know, for example, if the pet can eat fish. It’s good up to a point.

There is a lot of talk about including or not including fish in the diet of animals. Eating fish can have many benefits for them. There are also some arguments against, who do not consider fish as the ideal food for dogs and cats.

Those are the benefits and disadvantages of eating fish for dogs and cats.

Can cats eat fish?

The simple smell of fish drives cats crazy. What is certain is that this food offers a wide range of nutrients to felines. For any cat, the mere fact of eating fish is a beautiful feast.

Girl cooking with white cat on the counter.

Fish provides cats with proteins, essential components for their bodies. Blue fish, for example, have fatty acids. This type of acids provide shine and softness to any feline’s fur.

This food also provides large amounts of energy. Blue fish are the most suitable to be included in the diet of animals, due to their low fat content and high amount of Omega 3.

On the other hand, there are fish that block the absorption of some essential vitamins for the body of cats. In addition, fish does not contain vitamin A, which is essential for feeding felines.

High intake of fish for cats can lead to thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies and allergies.

In summary, fish should never be the staple food in a cat’s diet. A little now and then is enough.

There are ways of preparing fish that are not good for feline consumption. Cats should never eat these types of fish:

  • Fish with a lot of salt (such as cod)
  • Preserved foods (such as sardines)
  • Smoked fish
  • Marinated fish pieces (as in ceviche)

Cats should consume raw fish and, when possible, freshly caught.

Can dogs eat fish?

There are many rumors that fish are not good for dogs. This is just a myth.

Fish is also an excellent food for dogs. The low content of saturated fats in this food is very good for the health of dogs. In addition, this food provides a large number of nutrients and vitamins for any animal.

Like cats, dogs can also eat fish, albeit sparingly.

The Omega 3 present in fish favors the bones and joints of puppies. This food is able to prevent diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

It has been proven that fish is also an excellent option to be included in the diet of dogs to make them lose weight. In these cases, salmon is the most chosen, due to its low fat content.

For older dogs, fish is an ideal food when it comes to strength and energy. In addition, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of fish help to treat skin problems in dogs.

Like cats, dogs should also not eat marinated, pickled, or salty fish. Also, this food must always be fresh and raw.

Too much fish in a dog’s diet can lead to health problems. If a dog has skin problems after starting to eat fish, it’s best to stop.

general conclusion

Fish should not be the staple food in the diet of dogs and cats. It is a food that does not have the necessary nutrient content for the animal’s body. Even so, it can provide many benefits to the health of animals when consumed on a regular basis. It is a very effective food if included with a diet plan for dogs and cats. The high content of Omega 3 in fish makes it very good for treating bone and joint problems in animals.

Dog and cat eating from the same bowl

In addition to Omega 3, fish contains essential proteins and nutrients for the health of any animal.

Seafood also has the same effects as fish in the diet of dogs and cats.

The stories and legends about the negative effect of eating fish on animals are, after all, nothing but myths.

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