Cats Love Being With Their Owners

Cats love being with their owners

Many people think that cats are skittish, individualistic, and unloving animals. In many cultures, these pets are seen as symbols of bad luck and some even believe that these cute little animals are treacherous. But not everything is what it seems.

Of course, cats are very different from dogs. Their survival instincts evolved especially to escape the danger that other species bigger and stronger than themselves represent. Also, pussies are able to form very strong bonds with men.

The truth is, cats love being with their owners. In this article, we’ve gathered evidence of the affection these animals can have for humans.

cats follow their owners

A fact that is often commented by cat owners is that, after a certain time of living together, these little animals develop the habit of following their masters wherever they go.

We got up, went into the bathroom and then walked to the kitchen for a quick snack. No matter where we go, someone is behind us, following every move we make. It’s our cat.

There are several hypotheses about the reason for this behavior. Some believe this is a way to mimic our movements. Others claim that domestic cats may follow their owners for the fun of it.

cats like to lick us

Some small cats get very close to humans. So much so that they develop the habit of licking their owners’ heads or hair. This behavior is not that common, but it can happen if we make more careful movements.

In fact, the feline lick is a way to show affection and loyalty to other pussies that are part of your group. As they are already used to our company, they could show us their feelings of attachment with the language. It’s the way of saying we are part of your group.

We should also remember that licking the head or coat is something cats do to clean their kittens. So it’s quite logical to think that these cats only lick when there’s a very strong connection.

Special relationship… with women

A saying is that unmarried women who reach a certain age end up living with cats. Apparently, this old stereotype isn’t all that false, and there’s a good reason for that: cats have a special connection to women.

A study by scientists at the University of Vienna found that  women and cats develop a relationship of mutual correspondence. Cats can interpret their owners’ needs and act when they need them most.

The research also found that these animals can remember the favors that their owners did for them, with the intention of returning the act with affection and company.

cats prefer people

According to another recent study published in the journal Behavioral Processes , these small cats prefer to interact more with humans than with any other object. To prove the hypothesis, the researchers verified the behavior of a group of cats that were isolated from food, toys and their human owners.

After a few hours, the animals that took part in the experiment showed a greater need to be in contact with their owners than anything else. The most surprising thing was that some preferred their owners to taking a bite of their food.

With that, the myth that felines are individualistic beings, petty and detached from people was overthrown. It was all a lie!

Almost all cats sleep on their owners

We are asleep and suddenly the kitten is on top of us, on our feet and even on our head. Unlike dogs, pussies prefer to spend their nighttime sleep in close proximity to their owners.

There are many reasons that explain this feline behavior. The main thing is that cats prefer to sleep in warm places during the night, when temperatures tend to drop considerably.

Cats love being with their owners. And there is plenty of evidence for that.

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