Devon Rex: An Active, Docile And Playful Cat

Devon Rex: an active, docile and playful cat

In this article we are going to talk about a very peculiar cat breed. We are referring to the Devon Rex, which is characterized, among other things, by its type of short, soft coat and forming some curls with waves. They are usually very docile and calm cats. Therefore, they are considered ideal for families with children.

If you have decided to adopt a Devon Rex cat, it would be very interesting to know more about its origin, the care they need, their characteristics and, above all, their behavior. So, if you want to know this different breed, let’s tell you everything below.

Origin of Devon Rex

When we adopt a pet, we must inform ourselves about its origin, so we can better understand its character, the necessary care and the way in which we should act. In the case of the Devon Rex cat, it is originally from Devon, England. Hence its name.

Born of common cats. Although there have been attempts to cross it with the Cornish Rex, this possibility ended up being discarded, since puppies with smooth fur were born. Its true origin is a mutation of curly hair. The first Devon Rex cat was discovered in Devon in the year 1960, among a litter of wild kittens that was near an abandoned mine.

your physical appearance


So let’s start talking more about the physical characteristics of the Devon Rex. They are medium sized cats, but muscular and with an elongated complexion. If we look at the head, we will see that it is cuneiform and small, although the ears are somewhat large in proportion to the head.

They have a distinctive curly and soft fur. If you caress it, you will feel, by touch, that it looks like a peach skin. His mustache and eyebrows are curled. Their eyes are also large and oval with a luminous color.

Another typical feature of this breed of cat is that its legs are slightly arched compared to the rest of the body. This is a very peculiar form of “O”.

Devon Rex can be different colors and its tail is usually long and thin. Although the physical appearance resembles Cornish Rex, Devon comes from a different gene, which was discovered ten years later.

The behavior

About the Devon Rex’s behavior, it is necessary to say that we are talking about a very playful, active, but also very docile breed, so it is perfect for living in a family, especially among children, who will be happy to have a partner for their games. As they are also very affectionate, cats will be delighted to be pampered.

It’s not a lonely cat. He will thank you for having more feline companions, although he is also happy with the contact with human beings. However, there is a need to take some precautions, as it can become dependent on its owner.

With the Devon Rex there will be no problem if there is any type of change of residence or trip, since  these pets adapt perfectly, however they prefer to live indoors.

Caring for the Devon Rex


The Devon Rex does not need special care, as they are not cats that shed a lot of hair at the time of coat change. It will be enough to just brush a little and remove the dead hairs, which will also keep them shiny.

It is recommended that they undergo occasional baths with soap specific for cats. In this way, excessive accumulation of fat in the hair will be avoided.

Your physical condition and health

They are usually very strong and jovial cats, characterized by not having many diseases. On the contrary, they are usually in good health. Although there is a need to take special care of your ears.

It is a good idea to check Devon Rex ears frequently  as they tend to accumulate wax. So you will need to clean them periodically. It is possible to use a special product for this task. Although on some occasions the secretion is so big that maybe there is a need to apply something to control its flow.

However, what you will most appreciate about your Devon Rex cat is your attention and friendship. They are animals that enjoy physical contact with humans. Don’t hesitate to play with them and pet them. They will certainly thank you too.

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