Differences Between Gerbils And Guinea Pigs

Although they have similarities in personality and food, as well as in the fact that they are both rodents, what is certain is that they differ widely in size and physiognomy. As for behavior, this is influenced by the possibilities offered by the physique of each one.
Differences between gerbils and guinea pigs

Both make great pets and have captured the hearts of their generation. However,  those who have never had one as a pet do not know the differences between gerbils and guinea pigs,  so we will present these two types of rodents.

Differences between gerbils and guinea pigs

Both, gerbils and guinea pigs, are two species of rodents. Although there are big differences between them, they belong to the same family and have some things in common.

For example,  both are herbivorous animals. That is, they only eat vegetables, fruits and cereals. Her favorite food is hay, or a nice piece of fresh, raw vegetable. Both are prohibited from eating foods of animal origin, even milk and eggs.

Guinea pig

For them to live happily in our homes, it is recommended that they have a  cage, even if they have hours of freedom in our home. Their habitat, which does not have to be strictly the cage, must be well ventilated and must not have bars in the ground,  as this could cause a lot of damage to the legs of these small animals.

Naturally, as they are rodents,  both of their teeth grow non-stop and they need to chew a lot throughout the day to use them. In their cages, there should always be objects made to be gnawed on, such as wooden houses, hay or granola bars.

Size and body

The big differences between gerbils and guinea pigs are in their bodies: they  have so many different shapes and abilities that it makes it possible for them to live and move in different ways.

For starters, guinea pigs are bigger than gerbils. Depending on the breed of the  guinea pigs, they can weigh from one to two kilos. Gerbils  are much smaller, as the  biggest reach 120 grams.

Both animals have stronger hind legs than the front legs, but the difference with gerbils is that they are much larger. Gerbils can stand up on their hind legs to look around. If they need to, they can jump around and jump around with them.

guinea pigs playing

Guinea pigs, on the other hand, do not jump. If they have to flee, they run on all fours. They just jump for joy in a movement known as “ popcorning ”, but actually all of their members also intervene.

Another of the most striking differences is the tail:  guinea pigs don’t have it, not even a tiny one. As for  gerbils, these have a tail that can measure the same as their body. Despite this, they can lose it for life, in an accident, for example.

Guinea pigs have more variety of looks. Gerbils always have short fur,  although they can be of many different colors and shades. In guinea pigs, in addition to the short-haired variety, there is a long-  and intermediate- haired variety  , and they can also have many different colors.


The differences between gerbils and guinea pigs also come down to behavior. Gerbils, in the wild, dig their burrows and make tunnels, so when in captivity they  do this too, or at least try to.

Guinea pigs are calmer and more relaxed. They don’t build burrows or tunnels and  are content to create a small nest inside their house,  so they can sleep undisturbed.

Guinea pig

Gerbils, on the other hand, are much more active. They also sleep during the day and alternate waking periods with short naps, but they  are much more athletic and energetic than guinea pigs. Not only can they run on their hind legs, they can also  take great leaps.

To let you know that they are  sad, angry or scared, guinea pigs grind their teeth. The gerbils drum their hind legs on the ground. Guinea pigs have a higher sound register than gerbils. Many of these records are not perceptible to the human ear.


Guinea pigs come from the South American jungles. The long-haired variety is even called ‘Peruvian’. They live at ground level and make small burrows, not deep, in which their families and colonies are raised.

Gerbils, however, come from the desert areas of Asia. They are used to areas of sand and rocks, where there is not much vegetation and humidity like in the jungles.

The differences between gerbils and guinea pigs are remarkable, both in their bodies and in their behavior. However,  both have a docile and tolerant character with human beings, which has led them to win the hearts of entire generations  and become great pets.

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