Discover The Spanish Horse Breeds

Discover the Spanish horse breeds

Spanish horse breeds date back to antiquity. They have always been highly valued, although Andalusia stands out from other regions due to its characteristics. That’s where the Spanish Pure Blood appears, giving rise to several races. We’ll talk more about this topic below.

Special mention: Pure Blood Spanish

Also called the Andalusian horse, it is one of the oldest breeds in the world. It is the Spanish animal par excellence and gave rise to other breeds in Europe and America.

During the Umayyad Caliphate, around the year 700, the preservation of equine characteristics was a recurrent concern. Therefore, during this period, the Cavalry of the Court of Córdoba was created, leading to the creation of quality horses in the region.

In later reigns, especially of King Felipe II, the Cavalries of Cordoba were created. Thus, the genetic projects were evolving until giving life to this new race.

Cavalo andaluz: uma raça especial
Source: David de Biasí

In this way,  the best stallions and mares were grouped together to give rise to what is now known as the Andalusian horse or PRE (Pure Spanish Race), one of the main Spanish horse breeds.

PRE Features

  • Smart, elegant and talented horse for jumping and easy to train;
  • Height at withers: between 155 and 165 centimeters;
  • Middle head;
  • Arched and strong neck, with long mane;
  • Broad chest;
  • Balanced proportions.

walk and training

Its physical characteristics and docility make the PRE an ideal horse for riding and classical training. It is bred throughout the Spanish territory and its crossing allowed to form several other horse breeds native to the country.

Main Spanish horse breeds



Also known as the Asturian pony, it is considered a very easy horse to ride, as it is a small breed, with an average height of 120 centimeters.

Since antiquity, this specimen has inhabited mountainous regions between the Cantabrian Mountains and the Western Pyrenees.


It is a cross between the Andalusian horse and the French Breton breed, originally used for agricultural work. Currently, it is an animal with many uses, being used even in fire control.


As its name indicates, it  is the result of the crossing of the Purebred Spanish horse with the Arabian.


This Spanish horse breed, preserved throughout history, is native to the island of Menorca. With black fur, it is very obedient and tame, being widely used for horse riding, agricultural work and training.


Losino horses

The losino horse is a Castilian breed native to the region of Burgos, in Valle de Losa, from where it got its name. It is used as a saddle animal for children and youth, and for horseback riding in rural and mountainous areas.

It is one of the oldest breeds in all of Europe, considered one of the three types of horse indigenous to the Iberian Peninsula. It is a small horse, rustic and at the same time elegant, but which is currently in danger of extinction.

Pure Galician Race

Recognized as the only native Galician race, it inhabits regions of mountains and hills of great vegetation and can be found between Pontevedra and Lugo. Morphologically, it is classified as a small-sized horse, or pony, with a height at the withers that varies between 120 and 140 centimeters.

Considered a domestic horse, it  has a docile temperament and is ideal for competitions, equestrian routes and equine therapy.

Jaca Navarre

It is a horse originating from the eastern Cantabrian mountain. It is a wild or semi-wild breed that grows in freedom and extensive livestock.

Source: Lankide Gorritxiki


It is a pony that has inhabited the Cantabrian Mountains since ancient times and moves in herds in the Basque mountainous regions. At the top of the hierarchy are the mare and the stallion.

With black fur, it is a breed known for being  resistant, docile and fast; which makes it suitable for horseback riding, hunting, jumping and riding.


Breed from Mallorca, it is used for field work and horse riding. He has black fur, a short neck and a calm temperament.


This is a breed originating from Doñana (Andalusia), a domesticated wild horse that is also in danger of extinction.

In this text, we approach the main characteristics of the Spanish horse breeds. Whether native, pure or the result of crossbreeding, they are animals that, in many cases, have inhabited these territories for thousands of years.

Image source: MANovillo and Lankide Gorritxiki

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