Does The Saying “get Along Like Cat And Dog” Make Sense?

Does the saying "get along like cat and dog" make sense?

It’s possible that we’ve all heard the saying that “get along like cat and dog”, making the connection that they get along immensely badly. This myth about an innate enmity between cats and canines is grounded in the predatory instinct of both species; remember that before domestication, they fed on what they hunted and this is something that remains very ingrained in their behavior.

This instinct is even stronger in cats, as they have a carnivorous diet almost entirely and even many of their senses are adapted to make them the best possible predators and they have one shorter domestication process  than dog.
So it will be more difficult to work with them on the aspect of coexistence with other species, however this is not an impossible task.

Achieving a relationship between dogs and cats

It is usually easier to achieve peaceful coexistence between dogs and cats if they are brought up from an early age to tolerate the presence of other animals.

Here is the importance of socializing your pets  since they are little, this simple teaching will make life much easier when the animal is an adult.

Even, you will notice, if they get used to being together from an early age, how they develop behaviors of the other species, as they learn from their parents and peers, as well as from the environment, and these contacts will condition their behavior as adults.

Puppies tend to be more playful than hunters, as play is one of the activities by which they sharpen their senses and skills.

However, it is also possible to socialize adult animals, although this requires patience, care and attention.

Although, if we talk about preferences, it’s better to have an adult cat and introduce a puppy into the home. Adult dogs are less tolerant of introducing strangers (animals, people, including babies) into their territory.

Here are some tips that can help you make this transition as peaceful as possible.

Allow time to adapt to the new animal

Whether it’s a dog or a cat, when introducing an animal into your home (especially if there are other adult animals) you should give it time to adapt to the new space.

First, he must feel comfortable in his home, explore it and get used to being there.

For this, it is best to have the dog and cat separated, as the best is that they are only introduced when the new animal is not stressed by being in a new environment.

Presentation is the most important

Now, when you notice that the new pet  is comfortable in your home, it’s time to introduce yourself.

It is prudent, as soon as the animal arrives at your house, to rub the animals with a towel, so that they are impregnated with each other’s scent; Place the towel under the blanket or mattress where the other sleeps.

Of course, they have already had the opportunity to sniff each other and know that there is another animal in the house, but this way, they will get used to the other’s scent in a space where they feel comfortable and when one of them is not in a state of alert.

The best thing is to take the dog (even if it’s a puppy) for a good walk so that it gets tired during the presentation, so you reduce the chances of him going out to chase the cat.

Don’t let your dog or puppy get close to the cat the first time, most likely he will want to sniff you, which will annoy the cat and make it run away, resulting in a chase.

It would be ideal if, during the time they remain in the environment, the dog is lying down, so the cat will gain confidence and will want to get closer, but keep them watched.

If the cat’s reaction is to hide or climb high, let that happen. It will take a while for him to get used to the dog and it’s better that he approaches when he feels the urge to do so, don’t force the situation.

don’t leave the two unattended

Do not leave the two unattended under any circumstances, it is best to keep them apart when you are not at home or when you cannot supervise them.

This process can be long, depending on the age of the animals, but by keeping an eye on them, you’ll prevent them from running off one after the other.

Reward good behavior, for example, when they let the other get close. With a good disposition it is possible to achieve great triumphs with our dear animals.

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