Dog Muzzle: What To Know

Nobody likes to put this ‘accessory’, to call it in some way, on their pet. However, the law requires potentially dangerous dogs to use it. We must keep in mind that we need to know the different types well and how to use them.
Dog muzzles: what to know

Depending on the breed or where we are,  the laws require the use of muzzles for dogs. This element does not allow them to open their mouths and bite people or animals. In this article we will tell you what they are and the types that exist.

When and why is a dog muzzle useful?

In some countries, certain breeds are considered  potentially dangerous. For example, in Spain and Mexico  the pitbull and rottweiler are in this group and it is necessary that when they go out into the street or are in a public space, they must wear a muzzle.

Dogs that are not listed in this list, but that at some point have been reported for attacks or bites, also have to leave the house with this type of ‘basket’ in their snouts.

On the other hand,  we can choose to put a muzzle on our pet if we know it will be very nervous when seeing another dog,  or to avoid problems if it is a large specimen, even if it is the best dog in the world.

In any case, we must keep in mind that  dogs don’t like to wear something that limits their movement. The best way to get them used to it is to put it on as a  puppy, as if it were a game. And always indoors!

Dog muzzle

If your dog is an adult and has never used it, there are different techniques to achieve this goal. The surprise effect is always the most effective, although be careful not to panic, as it may try to bite you, as a natural defensive reaction.

What types of dog muzzles are there?

Before buying a  muzzle  for our pet , we must consider two very important factors: the size of the accessory and the shape of the muzzle. Don’t worry, there are different models and options, some of them will suit your dog:

  1. tube muzzle

It can be made of different materials, such as leather,  nylon  or fabric, and  has a cylinder shape with an open circle at the front. It must be well adjusted so that the dog cannot open its mouth. The disadvantage of this muzzle is that the dog will not be able to pant – the method he uses to regulate the temperature – nor drink water.

For this reason,  the tubular muzzle is not recommended in summer, when it is very hot, in stressful situations or when the dog is exercising or playing. Use is very limited to specific and short-term situations. In some countries and cities it is prohibited.

  1. basket muzzle

It is the most famous among dog muzzles and, although the animal may be a little uncomfortable with this basket placed on its snout, the truth is that  it gives more mobility to the mouth than the tube. He has the ability to pant,  bark  and drink water, but not bite people or animals.

This muzzle is made from a variety of materials, although the most common are plastic, leather and metal. They can be used ​​for longer periods: a trip to the veterinarian or hairdresser, taking a walk in the park, traveling on public transport, if allowed where we live, etc.

  1. Anti-Push Noseband

Although, for some, it is not considered a muzzle for dogs, but a  special collar, the truth is that it serves so that the animal does not pull when on a walk or, also, that it does not try to bite a person or other animal. pet. It allows him to stick out his tongue, gasp, drink water and even eat. But it can also be dangerous to close down suddenly.

Dog muzzle

  1. Muzzle for brachycephalic dogs

You should keep in mind that these breeds have difficulty breathing well and that an element with these characteristics can obstruct the airflow. So use it only on specific occasions.

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