Dogs Look Like Their Owners

Dogs look like their owners

When we see a person walking with their pet down the street, it might strike us how similar they are between them. Is this possible? Science says yes, for different reasons. In this article, we’ll tell you why dogs look like their owners.

as your dog is, so are you

Lazy? Nervous? Glutton? Active? Certainly, the same adjectives that can classify your pet serve to define you. Those who have dogs at home indicate that they are very similar to them in behavior and character.

According to a psychologist specializing in animal therapies, Carmen Castro, by instinct, we choose those animals that have characteristics compatible with ours. If we are nervous, the animal will be restless, but if we are calm, the dog will sleep all day.

They also influence the imitation capacity that dogs have and their adaptation to the environment in which they “have to live” and to daily habits. By being in groups, dogs can mix with their owners, just as with couples who have been in a relationship for many years.

Dogs can remember and repeat their owner’s actions, such as turning their head to one side when something catches their attention.

What do we look for in dogs as pets?

More than understanding why the dog looks like us. We must start with the principle: why do we have this pet? According to experts, we choose an animal according to what we have in common.

We are more likely to fall in love with a dog that has a similar personality, so that it suits our way of life. According to a survey:

  • Perfection lovers opt for a German Shepherd.
  • The sociable and friendly choose a golden retriever.
  • The flashy pick a toy or yorkshire poodle.
  • Male athletes adopt pitbull or Doberman dogs.
  • Female athletes opt for an Afghan Hound or a Dalmatian.
  • Assets choose a cocker spaniel or a chihuahua.
  • Bearded hipsters have Collie or St. Bernard dogs.

We might think these are just prejudices. However, there are many studies that confirm the theory. At the University of San Diego, in the United States, several people with their pets were analyzed in three urban parks.

In most cases, it  was possible to “guess” which animal belonged to which human just by appearance. Psychologists explained that, as with partner choice, when looking for a pet, we want to find compatible beings.

Since we normally get together with people who have a personality or lifestyle similar to ours, why then does it sound so crazy to think that we choose our dogs for the same reasons?

active man, active dog

A study by the University of Vienna (Austria) confirmed that dogs adopt personality and character traits from their owners. To reach this conclusion, 132 dogs and owners were recruited, with which behavioral tests were performed.

The reactions of pets to threats or certain words were observed, and blood frequency and levels of the hormone cortisol (from stress) were measured through saliva. For people, they had to fill out a questionnaire to determine what their top five personality traits were: sympathy, extraversion, emotional instability (neuroticism), openness, and awareness. So they had to answer a series of questions about their pets’ behavior.

The result indicated, for example, that the more anxious or nervous the person, the more neurotic the dog. Or the greater the owner’s tranquility, the greater the animal’s relaxation.

Finally, it was stated that, between dogs and humans, there is a very special relationship called the “social dyad.” The behaviors and emotions of one influence the character and personality of the other, and vice versa. However, who exerts the greatest influence is the person over the mascot, and not the other way around.

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