Favorite Dog Games And Activities

Favorite Dog Games and Activities

Dogs are very active animals that, in general, have fun with whatever they have on hand (or better, in “paws”). But that’s not to say they don’t get bored if they always do the same dynamics. So today we want to talk about dogs’ favorite games and activities.

Games and activities for your dog

Our animals, like us humans, tend to get bored when performing the same action every day. That’s why the best way to keep your partner happy is to give them different activities that boost their intelligence and physical activity.

There are a wide variety of games and activities that our furry companions love to play. What we don’t know is whether such an activity is enjoyable for our best friend.

dog playing with ball

You should take into account your dog’s size, weight, and even breed, so you can make the most of your natural gifts. With these aspects in mind, it’s time to start playing!

simple activities

When we talk about games and activities, it does n’t always have to be something very elaborate, nor does it have to rush to the pet store to buy a new ball. It is very simple to know how to entertain the dog with common objects during our walks.

dog in the park

The main thing is to have a field where he can run freely, but always keep an eye on him at all times. When you find the ideal place, your imagination (and his) will be the limits.

play with a stick

Most dogs like to pick up things their owner throws out to find and return them to him. This simple activity allows you to exercise and practice obedience when you return the object. 

educate without violence

play with a frisbee

Activity similar to the previous one, but with a frisbee, a small plate that is thrown and soars in the air. The activity requires a little more effort for the dog, as he will have to run and predict the trajectory to return it to the owner.

dog and frisbee

We recommend that your pet is an appropriate size for the action this dynamic requires. A bigger dog will have more fun than a smaller one. Just as a more athletic dog will like it more than one from a calmer breed.

hiding places

It’s a very simple game that will put your pet’s sense of smell to the test. It consists of showing the dog a prize, hiding it and hoping he finds it. Repeat the process increasing the difficulty with each session.

educate your dog

The best way to play is to distract him with other activities, such as a Frisbee or a ball, and then hide the prize between dry leaves, under a backpack or similar objects.

play with other dogs

If you consider your partner well educated, this action is ideal for him, as he will play with a lot of enthusiasm with a partner until he gets tired.

take dog to the park

Practice obedience exercises

These are very simple activities that you can find in any pet magazine or on the internet. You just need to be patient and be very clear when choosing the tone of voice for the command, so as not to intimidate your dog.

steps to educate your dog

Complex or dynamic sports

There are a variety of sports you can include in your dog’s activities that will challenge your dog’s natural senses and advantages. Likewise, they will also put you to the test and help you exercise.


It is a sport similar to an obstacle course, where the animal must overcome and dodge with great precision and speed. It will also put your leadership and patience to the test, as the animal will listen to your orders during the competition.

agility test

There are many ideal breeds for this activity, such as Border Collies or British Spaniels. If you strive with determination, you can compete in national and even international events. What about? Are you and your dog up to the challenge?


It is a game similar to the hideout, where the animal must find a person smelling his personal scent, which he feels in some clothes of the person to be found.

dog smell

Likewise, the same procedure is carried out with objects, as well as the routine carried out at airports to identify suspicious or high-risk packages. Of course, in this case friendlier elements are used.


It’s about running your dog as far as possible. This activity can also be done alone, and can be considered discipline training. All over the world there are canicross competitions for different modern breeds.


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