Feeding Dogs From 7 Years Of Age

Feeding dogs from 7 years of age onwards

Dogs’ food must be adequate for each stage of their lives. Most dogs enter the so-called third age from 7 years old. So, in addition to considering care in other areas, consult your veterinarian about the correct diet for your four-legged friend to go through old age in a healthy and happy way.

How should dogs be fed from 7 years of age onwards

old dog

While an elderly dog ​​requires the same nutrients as a young dog, what varies is the amount of them.

An older animal should reduce fat intake, increase the amount of protein and fiber, and consume some vitamins that slow down its aging.

There are, on the market,  balanced foods that were developed for elderly dogs and that even consider the breed and size of the animal.

Also, as dogs get older, they lose their sense of smell and taste, so you ‘ll need to provide them with tastier food options.

You have the option of giving your dog wet kibble or preparing homemade food, following your veterinarian’s directions.

A proper diet should be based on reducing the number of calories. By decreasing its physical activity, the animal may suffer from overweight problems, if it does not properly burn the energy of food.

So, even if an elderly dog ​​needs to ingest fat to maintain its body temperature and the good condition of its skin and coat, its food should contain a lower concentration of them, to prevent it from gaining weight and not running the risk of suffering of diabetes or worsen bone and joint problems.

In addition, the diet should be high in fiber, to give them a feeling of fullness and favor digestion, and high in protein to stop the deterioration of their muscles.

Also, you should give your old friend vitamin C to delay cell aging. This vitamin acts as an antioxidant, slowing down brain wear.

In turn, lipids such as phosphatidylserine help keep your neurons active.

Keep in mind that larger breed dogs can enter old age at 5 years and therefore should start changing their diet from this age. You can certainly see this by watching your physical activity decrease and the appearance of white hairs around your mouth and eyes.

Advice on feeding older dogs

old dog

Below, we’ll give you some details to consider when feeding your elderly dog:

  • Unless your veterinarian specifically recommends, feed him twice a day.
  • Keep him away from sweets and stop letting him taste what the family is eating,  and anything that isn’t designed to meet his nutritional needs.
  • Do not forget to include moderately fermented fibers in your diet, which will favor the maximum use of the food’s nutrients and prevent gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea or constipation.

These signs usually appear as animals age, as their intestines increase the amount of pathogenic bacteria in relation to beneficial ones. Remember that firm, small stools are the best sign that your dog assimilates what he eats well.

  • Feed him premium rations  to promote quality nutrition that also helps keep his gums and teeth healthy.
  • A balanced diet should include, in addition to everything we’ve said, natural supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin, to help your joints, and antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin E, to increase your defenses.
  • If possible, make sure that the foods he eats also contain tryptophan, which is an amino acid that can help improve his mood and help him sleep better.
  • You can moisten the feed with hot water or some broth to make it more appetizing.
  • If you want to spice up your furry friend’s menu with some homemade dish – always under the supervision of the veterinarian – remember that it should be low in sodium and fat and high in fiber and protein.

A soup based on lean meats and vegetables can be an excellent option.

In addition to a rich and healthy diet, remember to give your pet large daily doses of affection and attention, so that it can happily pass this stage of its life.

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