From The Street To A Home: Adopting Stray Cats

From the street to a home: adopting stray cats

It’s true that the other day you passed by that pet store and fell completely in love with that kitten who looked like he was asking you to take him home with his eyes. Of course, when it comes to incorporating a new member into our family, we can find many other options.

One is to adopt stray cats. Let’s see what the process is for a cat to move from the street to a home.

Overpopulation of stray dogs and cats

August 15, 2015 was the 24th anniversary of World Abandoned Animal Day. On this occasion, an animal protector brought to the attention of everyone that,  each year, in a country like Spain, for example, 140,000 dogs and cats are abandoned.

The luckiest will end up in some shelter or shelter for stray animals, but many others will be condemned to wander the streets facing an uncertain and, in most cases, cruel fate.

We can almost safely say that they will have to fight daily to put something in their mouths, will suffer malnutrition and disease, to finally have a premature death.

But they also cause problems for people, in terms of hygiene, health or even safety. For all this, it is essential that we can take these animals off the streets to give them a better future.

Are we ready to adopt stray cats?

cats eating

Now, let’s imagine that we saw a stray cat. It may be that our first intention is to take him home, something very noble.

However, before doing so, you should ask yourself if you are prepared to assume everything that involves living with an animal, in addition to the more specific care that is necessary when adopting stray cats. Let’s see how to do this successfully.

Advice for adopting stray cats


Stray cats have had bad experiences relating to humans, so it is possible that when we approach them, they may show themselves altered. With all possible precautions taken, offer him food to gain his trust, little by little.

And, of course, avoid gestures and words that might scare you.


Once you’ve gained their trust, it’s a good idea to have a carrying case so the trip home is safe.

know home

When we are in our home, we must allow the animal to know all the rooms, so that it becomes familiar with them. Keep in mind that for stray cats it’s a big change that they have doors around them and that they can’t run around freely, so it’s important that he has plenty of room to move around.


It is possible that during the first few days the cat is nervous and disconcerted, it may be that he hides and avoids contact. Be patient and don’t pressure him. The affection and trust between you will gradually emerge.

First days

Leave your food in an easily accessible place and approach it with caution. Also put the litter box in an accessible place and teach your new pussy how to use it. Although at first he wants to choose where to live in the house, when things calm down, take all his belongings to the place chosen by you.


cat at the veterinarian

The first visit to the veterinarian should be made as soon as possible. It is essential that the professional assess the general health status of your cat, in order to prevent and treat certain diseases, at the same time as it takes its first vaccinations.

Keep in mind that professional advice and help are essential for adopting stray cats.

If there are more animals in the house

If you are an animal lover, you may have other animals at home. If so, allow them to get to know each other slowly, but always under your supervision. It is essential that you try to avoid tense situations, so that their relationship starts on the right foot.

Of course, before the vet proves that your pet is healthy, keep your new pussy isolated from everyone else in the household.

It has an owner?

Last but not least. Make sure the cat doesn’t have an owner. If he does, it is critical that you try to find him by all means. Use empathy and think about how you would feel if something like this happened to you.

When we decide to adopt stray cats we are showing a selfless love capable of putting the animal’s needs beyond our personal taste. Without a doubt, this quality will make us excellent owners.

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