How Does The Sound Of Rain Affect Dogs?

How does the sound of rain affect dogs?

Dogs are often afraid of certain sounds or events that alter their routine. Rain and storms are among them. Although it’s not always a storm, many dogs are simply frightened by the rain. Why does it happen? What makes furry ones afraid of water, whether it’s a storm or not?

Effects of rain on dogs

It could be that your dog loves water and that he goes crazy when you go to bathe him. However, if you take him for a walk and it starts to rain, the discomfort he feels makes him want to look for a place to hide.


Feeling water on your skin can make you nervous or anxious. This is especially true if your dog already suffers from either of these two things or is very sensitive. To improve this, if you live in a place where it rains a lot, take it for a walk when the rain is light. Get an umbrella that can cover both.

A good idea would be to take him in your arms first and then put him under the umbrella so he can see that there is nothing bad going on and that you are by his side. A good option is also to put on your dog a raincoat that prevents the water from coming into contact with him. Little by little, he will get used to it and you will be able to take him to the street even if the rain is heavier.

Playing games under water and even playing with it, perhaps spraying it, will gradually make your pet more confident and enjoy going out in the rain.

It’s still unclear why rain is so unpleasant for dogs. It seems that the waves emitted by the water even affect the sensitivity of their ears, especially in puppies. Not to mention all the feelings that storms bring to dogs.

Fear of storms too

It doesn’t matter if there is no thunder, your dog is able to predict that a storm is coming and will shake before it starts to sound. He can not only sense the change in the sky, but also in the atmosphere and aroma. A dog can distinguish the sound of thunder from a great distance.

According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania, between 15 and 30% of dogs are terrified of storms. Storms generate stress and anxiety in dogs and they desperately look for a place to protect themselves.

Normally, it’s not unusual for dogs to seek shelter when they hear thunder. This is a trait of the instinct of these animals, which has not disappeared. It is already known that many of the behaviors of dogs come from their wolf ancestors, who lived in their natural habitat, outdoors.

When there was thunder and lightning, instinct led them to seek shelter to protect themselves from these dangers that could fall upon them. Also to prevent a tree, for example, that had been affected by lightning, could kill them.

Also, dogs have a much more developed sense of hearing than we do, so the sound of a storm is much louder for them than for a human.

How to calm a dog with anxiety and fear of rain

To keep your dog from getting too anxious when it rains, there are several things you can do. For example:


  • Play with him. If every time it rains you pick it up (although this supposes you have to get under the bed), and start playing with it, the animal will, over time, begin to relate the storms and rains to something positive that loves: playing and spending time with you.
  • Put on a song. Music has a profound effect on animals. In the case of an anxious dog, instrumental music will calm him down and allow him to more calmly go through what makes him nervous.
  • Pheromones. If you find that your dog’s fear of storms and rain is too exaggerated, talk to your vet to see if your furry can make use of pheromones. They are for commercial use and can calm your pet. Although they are not usually harmful, it is best that you consult a professional first.
  • Treat your sensitivity. Dogs are highly sensitive and suffer a lot from these events. Treating your dog’s sensitivity with a canine psychologist can be of great help.

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