How Does Your Dog Demonstrate That Everything Is Fine?

Even though they cannot speak our language, pets have the ability to express their feelings and emotions in different ways. Want to know if your furry is happy and comfortable? So keep reading this article, in which we’ll tell you how your dog demonstrates that everything is fine.

Signs that my dog ​​is okay

As a pet owner, I’m sure you care about your well-being and want your dog to be happy all the time. But as it is not possible for him to communicate by speaking and thanking him for his care, we must pay attention to certain everyday gestures or behaviors. If your dog does any (or several) of the following things, it’s okay:

1. Always want to play with you

It doesn’t matter what time of day you are or how old you are. If you show him a ball or a tree branch, he’ll wag his tail awaiting your next action. This often excessive happiness is related to your state of mind. You can play with your dog for about 5 minutes a day and he will be the happiest being in the world.

2. Never lose your appetite

Dogs resemble humans in many ways. One is your appetite. When they eat a lot, it is because they are healthy and happy. Eating non-stop is a sign of feeling comfortable in one place. On the other hand, if you leave a part of the dish, if it smells of food and goes somewhere else, or if you don’t want to eat for two days, it’s best to take it to the vet.

3. Your eyes are relaxed

How to notice this? It’s very easy: soft blinks, a charming look and slowly moving pupils. When you have half-closed eyes and a piercing look, it means you are upset or aggressive.

Another way to check the animal’s good mood is through its mouth. The ideal is to be closed or slightly open, slightly raised on the sides, as if it were a smile. And don’t forget to watch your ears: relaxed, naturally…never raised.

4. Wiggles the tail all the time

It’s your main way of expressing happiness. A happy dog ​​moves its tail from side to side and this movement also continues through the body. It’s different when the tail is tense and it’s the only thing that moves, because it means it’s on alert.

5. Sleep and sleep

Typically, an adult dog sleeps about 16 hours a day (puppies up to 20), of which 10 are at night. He also takes short naps during the day… but he has no problem waking up for a moment to play, walk, eat or take care of his needs. Note the appearance of the animal’s face as it sleeps. If you look sad, something is happening (you may be bored or ill, cold or in an uncomfortable place).

6. Keep your belly up

When the pet lies down so that it shows its belly for petting, it means that it trusts us, that it likes the demonstrations of affection and that it is very happy. As a sign of vulnerability in the pack, it is also related to trust in another being (you, in this case).

7. Jump

In addition to wagging their tails like a pendulum, dogs have another way to express their happiness: jumping! They will do this according to their abilities (age, weight, physical condition, size, etc.), but even if it’s only a few inches, they’ll come off the ground to let you know they’re happy and ready to play.

8. Wants to be by your side all the time

Have you ever stopped to think why dogs follow us to the bathroom? Because they love our company! For them, we are the leaders of the pack and will not abandon us for anything in this world. So if your pet won’t let you go, it’s a good sign that they love being in touch with you.

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