How To Calm An Angry Dog?

How to calm an angry dog?

The temperament of dogs varies according to their personality, as some dogs are more likely to be aggressive than others. How do we calm an angry dog? In that case, there are several techniques we put into practice to calm our furry friend.

Although it must be said that genetics goes hand in hand with the bad mood of dogs, we can also say that their owner’s behavior influences the behavior of your pet. Dogs that have a tendency to be aggressive demand from their owner that he demonstrate great power and inspire respect, that is, the owner has to be a dominant figure who is able to handle the situation.

The way the dog is treated by nature aggressive , this behavior will end up being reinforced or discouraged. On the one hand, if the animal is abused or its upbringing is too strict, it will possibly maintain its aggressive behavior. On the other hand, if he is treated with affection and respect, his temper is likely to be softened.

Advice on how to calm an angry dog

1. Keep calm. The first thing to calm an irritated dog is to remain calm, because if the animal perceives the anguish, stress or fear signaled by the person, its behavior worsens.

When the owner is in charge of calming the dog, he should speak calmly and slowly. Your body posture should not show that the owner has lost control of the situation, and it is important to let the dog know that, despite his behavior, the  owner is the one who keeps ordering.

owner holding the dog by the collar

2. Not showing a defiant or threatening posture. When dogs become irritated, they are able to jump or walk erratically.

Wanting to go after him or grab him can make the situation worse. So the best thing to do is stay in the same place. In case you need to move, the steps should be slow and light.

Also, it is not recommended to stand in front of the dog and stare at him. The animal will regard both postures as a threat, and when it comes to someone else’s dog, it’s best to back off little by little. Do not run, as this may scare the dog and make it attack.

Clarity and positive reinforcements

3. Give clear orders. To calm an angry dog, the orders given must be clear and consistent.

It should be noted that a common mistake made by owners is to start issuing several orders at once: “Calm down, be quiet, sit down, be quiet”. All of these orders given at the same time increase the animal’s anxiety level.

Give a clear order and stand firm, like calling the dog by name, as it helps to get his attention. For example: “Bobby, shut up”, and repeat the order until the dog answers.

4. Don’t scold. When the moment of irritation has passed, the animal should not be reprimanded, on the contrary. It is necessary to understand what caused this situation. Thus, when it comes to training our dogs, we need to understand that we have to give preference to positive reinforcement .

If the aggressiveness is a product of the presence of another dog, it is possible that it is a power struggle. So both dogs are trying to assess who dominates the territory.

That’s why, in this case, the moment you scold the dog, he won’t know how to behave in front of other animals and in similar situations.

How to Control Aggression in a Dog

Aggression brings with it a high genetic load that is expressed in the dog personality , since there are races that, by nature, are brave and impulsive. This is the case with the Rottweiller, Dobermann and the German Shepherd. However, there are some considerations you can take to tame your personality:

1. Maintain a routine. Routines are important to all dogs.

In the case of aggressive dogs, the routine gives them an idea of ​​limits and what is allowed. Furthermore, it is through her that they develop their self-control.

dog lying on the lawn

2. Demonstrate who is in charge. The dog with behavior problems needs to know who the owner is.

This type of animal requires clear and consistent guidelines. Thus, body language must be consistent with the orders given.

In this sense, establishing a relationship based on trust helps to tame the dogs’ personality. This is because generating dog-owner empathy makes the latter feel more confident and less insecure.

3. Exercise daily. Dogs with strong personality tend to have a lot of energy, so they need to exercise regularly.

That’s how things work, we can choose to go for long walks or jogs in the park, but what is really important is that he does a daily physical exercise, on a regular basis.

4. Control power. Both starving and overeating can make dogs feel bad. Thus, it is recommended that the owner be careful with the amount and type of food that your pet consumes.

Keeping a record of your dog’s body language helps you assess patterns of behavior and behavior.

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