How To Choose A Brush Well To Style Your Dog

How to choose a brush well to style your dog

Combing your dog is not just a necessary task to take care of its fur. This can become an excellent relationship time with your pet, allowing him to relax and enjoy the moment.

However, this can also turn into a nightmare for both of you if you pull on his fur and end up hurting him. To avoid these inconveniences, the key is to choose the correct brush to style your dog.

Find out which is the most appropriate brush to style your dog

It’s not just any brush that fits all dogs, just as it’s not just any comb that fits our hair. So, you need to choose the appropriate version according to the characteristics of your four-legged friend’s fur. After all, let us agree that it is not the same thing to comb an animal with long, curly, short and straight hair.


So that your pet’s fur is always healthy and shiny, and so that he can enjoy a pleasant styling session, we will tell you below which is the most appropriate brush for your dog.

Remember that, even though it may seem like a simple question, any questions you may have about the topic can be resolved with your dog’s veterinarian.

The proper brush to comb your dog should be chosen according to the characteristics of its fur. So, in addition to keeping the hair healthy and shiny, your four-legged friend will be able to enjoy these styling sessions.

Choose the right option to style your short-haired dog

If your dog has short fur, you should use a rubber bristle brush to get rid of the remaining hair without hurting its skin or pulling out stray hairs.

Consider that, in this case, two or three weekly sessions of styling – according to the amount of hair your dog tends to lose – is enough, since it doesn’t accumulate much dirt and, much less, knots.

These are some breeds considered to be short-haired:

  • Chihuahua
  • Dalmatian
  • Boxer
  • Doberman

The correct brush for a longhaired dog

Longhaired dogs are obviously the ones that need the most attention in this regard. Accumulation of dirt, knots and loss of large amounts of hair is often the norm. For this reason, you should comb your dog daily.

If your furry has a delicate skin – as in the case of Yorkshire – the ideal is to use a double-sided brush. First you must use the side that has rounded bristles, to untangle and remove the dead hair. Then use the stiffer bristle side for shine and softness.

In the case of animals with thicker and less sensitive skin, a metal bristle brush can be used first.

The best option to comb your dog with intermediate hair

These are some dogs with hair considered to be intermediate:

  • German Shepherd
  • Border Collie
  • Golden retriever

In these cases, you should give your pet a minimum of four styling sessions per week with a fine, knitted wire brush.

This implement is essential to get rid of all the dead hair that accumulates in these dogs, which is usually quite a lot. This way, you can ensure that your home is free of hair and minimize possible episodes of allergies.

What brush to use to comb your dog with curly hair


If your puppy has thick, frizzy fur, you’ll need a special brush with thick, separate wires so you can untangle his fur without damaging or pulling it, but keeping it free of tangles.

Dogs like the Poodle or the Bichón Frisé also require daily brushing to keep their fur clean, strong and healthy.

Although they are animals that do not lose much hair, they are characterized by generating lots of knots and, in addition, accumulating clay, sand and other substances that they bring into their bodies when they return from their walks.

A well-groomed and happy dog

Certainly, using the proper brush, you will make this activity an enjoyable time for your dog. That way, as long as you make sure you get rid of the dirt, dead hair, and undoing the knots, he’ll be relaxed, content, and free from annoying tugs.

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