How To Get Along With A Cat: Some Advice

How to get along with a cat: some advice

To get along with a cat, you must take into account its special personality, its independent nature and the treatment it likes to receive.

Cats are more than special beings and, for some people, being able to create a “chemistry” with them can be an impossible mission. So, in this article, we’re going to give you some tips for getting along with a cat. Don’t miss it!

Tips for getting along with a cat

Maybe you adopted a stray cat or even bought a purebred one. Perhaps you visit the home of a relative or friend who has a cat and would like to get along better with it.

Either way, it ‘s always good to know what the animal’s character is like and what he likes – and what he doesn’t like – to make your relationship wonderful. So here are some tips:

1. Offer toys

One of the most frequent mistakes we make with cats is trying to play with them using our hands and feet.

However, they may find hands and feet threatening and will want to bite, scratch, hold, etc.

To get along with a cat, one technique that doesn’t fail is to offer him toys. You don’t have to spend a fortune in a pet store, use what you have available.

For example, a ball made of newspaper, a piece of rope, etc. Throw him somewhere he can run for it, don’t forget that cats are born hunters.

cat playing with feather

2. Don’t scream

It’s true that cats – like dogs – must be brought up to behave well, although felines can be more “delicate” in terms of screaming or punishing.

The best way to get along with it is to use what’s known as positive reinforcement. That way, reward him every time he does things right.

Like? Through a caress, a kind word, a toy or a suitable candy.

3. Don’t the ‘stress’

The cat’s nature is usually quite independent. That way, don’t make the mistake of putting him in a situation that will be stressful or threatening for him.

Don’t chase him around the house or force him to hide under the bed or table. This will make him afraid, making him not trust you.

4. Approach when you have permission

Unlike dogs, cats can be quite “jealous” with their bodies and space. So, as a first step, don’t touch them when they’re asleep.

Do not hold them or pull them out of the bed. And for nothing in the world, don’t pat them on the stomach if they won’t let you.

woman petting cat

Approaches should be gentle and calm. Also, no sudden moves should be made. Try touching them to his forehead first and, if he lets them, go down to his chin and neck or to his back.

5. Cats are not a baby

Another reason someone might not get along with a cat is because they think they can pick it up and hug it like a baby. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Cats don’t like to be lifted off the ground, no matter what they’re doing. Much less of being grabbed or squished.

You will experience a feeling of oppression that can turn into aggression if you do any of these things.

In either case, allow the cat to hop onto your lap when you’re in bed or on the couch, and let him snuggle up as he pleases.

Also, you’ll notice when he gets comfortable, as he’ll start to purr and “crunch you” with his paws.

To get along with a cat, we must accept its personality and respect its privacy. That way you can become his friend and enjoy his company.

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