Ideal Dog Breeds For Heat And Summer

Ideal dog breeds for heat and summer

When adopting a dog, we must be aware that not everyone adapts to heat in the same way. Temperament, illness and comfort are difficult factors to control when a dog is outside its natural environment. Therefore, today we will meet different breeds of dogs that are ideal for the heat and summer.

A classic example occurs with Siberian husky dogs that live in tropical countries. Although it doesn’t seem like it, this breed can have problems in the warmer months.

There are dogs ideal for heat, whose phenotypic composition is made exclusively to tolerate rising temperatures. If we live in a hot region and wish to have a dog, some breeds are more likely than others to withstand the heat.

Ideal dog breeds for heat: Australian Shepherd

The greatest concentration of its fur is located on its underside, occupying spaces on its belly and chest. Its loin is more uncovered, which allows it to withstand high temperatures and the incidence of the sun’s rays.

australian shepherd

On the other hand,  these dogs are very full of energy and are prepared for the exhausting work of herding sheep, in climates that are not necessarily cold.

american staffordshire terrier

With short fur,  the  incidence of the sun does not represent a big problem for this species. Its fur is coarse, which allows it to protect your skin on summer days.

Pastor of Anatolia

This species comes from the hot Turkish territory and has everything needed to withstand the hot days and cold nights in that country. The bulk of its coat concentrates on its paws and chest. They are used to hard work and have great energy.


The Basenji is an ideal dog for heat, as its country of origin is simply the Congo. It has short fur, long ears that cast shadows on its face and does not bark. This can be a mechanism to better manage your energy.

basset hound

Short, with long ears and short fur,  these peculiar canines can easily cope with the summer season. It’s easy for them, due to their reduced body activity. These dogs don’t run, they just walk, and this allows them to keep their energies.


Similar in appearance to the Doberman,  Beauceron has a moderate coat and the physical strength needed to carry out activities in a hot climate. Can adapt with moderate ease to summer.


The miniature version of the Doberman has little fur and is undoubtedly more comfortable in the heat than in the cold. Its high energy capacity allows you to exercise in high temperatures.


Greyhounds are ideal dogs for heat, they  are Spanish par excellence, and for this reason they have historically withstood the high temperatures of the coast. Its coat is very smooth and short, allowing it to stay cool in warm and temperate climates.

mexican naked dog

Also called Xolo or Xoloitzcuintle, this species comes from Mexico, a country with high temperatures throughout the year. Some simply have no hair at all, and this is entirely due to genetic causes.


This is a dog that basically feels uncomfortable in cold climates, making it ideal for summer and tropical countries. It is slender, with a fine coat, and comes from the Iberian Galgo family. Whippets are dogs that are able to inhabit the Mediterranean.


Small dogs of great musculature and whose ancestors dedicated themselves to the exhausting job of hunting. Their coat is fine, hard and short, which allows them to establish an internal balance  against sudden climate changes.

dog in the grass

chinese crested dog

This exquisite oriental breed has a dark colored skin and a long but extremely smooth coat, which allows it to live in warm climates. This phenotypic arrangement allows it to tolerate China’s own climatic characteristics.

Viringo (Naked Peruvian Dog)

Another one of the ideal dogs for heat. The Mexican Naked Dog has a distant cousin, the Viringo. It is a hairless pet that was born in the warm part of Peruvian territory. It is called “warm skin”.

Great Dane

Although this is a dog that adapts more easily to temperate climates, the Great Dane’s short and abundant coat allows it to withstand the heat. Furthermore, these friendly giants have a strong respiratory system that is helpful in combating fatigue.

italian hare

Similar to the Whippet and the Spanish Galgo, we have the Italian Lebréu. These dogs can even have less hair and be thinner than their direct family in England and Spain.

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