If Your Dog Is Faithful, Why Not Respond With The Same Love?

If your dog is faithful, why not respond with the same love?

Admittedly, your furry best friend demonstrates your loyalty in a multitude of ways. It’s always there when you call him, even if you’ve just fought him for something he did and he doesn’t quite know what it was.

He goes crazy with joy when you come home, even though you have left him alone for several hours. He thanks you for anything you do for him, even if you just take a quick walk with him because he’s tired of work.

Your loyalty demonstrated

dog and owner

Many real experiences of dogs that demonstrate absolute loyalty to their owners are well known. Therefore, do not doubt that your dog will demonstrate to you to be always faithful, and even to death. See some examples:

  • Bobby. It was the faithful terrier of a policeman who died suddenly. This animal proved to be faithful by spending the rest of its life on its owner’s grave. They couldn’t bury him with him, but the citizens of the place built a fountain in his honor.
  • Hachiko. Yes, this animal really existed, it was not a cinematographic invention. He spent years going every night to the same place where he used to wait for his deceased owner. A large statue in his honor was built and steps were taken to preserve his race.
  • Tommy. This faithful dog accompanied its owner to church daily. When she died, Tommy remained faithful to his love for her by going to church daily to wait for his mistress.
  • Gaucho. It lived for several years with its owner. One day, he had to be admitted to a hospital. Gaucho couldn’t stand the distance and walked 50 kilometers to the clinic. His statue lies on the tomb of its owner.
  • Cinnamon. He lived for 12 years in front of the hospital where his owner was admitted before he died. Unfortunately, the dog died right there, run over.
  • Clear. This is the name that people around the cemetery gave to a puppy that, on many occasions, they wanted to adopt, but couldn’t. Clara always returned to her owner’s grave.

As you can see, your dog will be faithful and will love you no matter what his circumstances or yours. How could you respond to that love?

What can I do for him?

owner walking a dog

As we said before, even giving the minimum to our dog, he remains faithful without complaining and thanking for the little we often give him. Why not try to change this minimum then? Try to give a little more of yourself to your faithful friend.

  • Take some time to take long walks. Try to make your walks not just for the animal to take care of its needs, but also an occasion for you to spend a good time together and in which your faithful four-legged friend can release all the accumulated adrenaline. Your pet also needs to breathe fresh air and exercise.
  • Pamper  the animal from time to time. We already know that the best food for an animal is kibble. But how would you feel eating the same thing your whole life? We’re not saying that you should give him something different every day, but occasionally present him with a small piece of ham, some sausage, or a can of dog meat he likes so much.
  • Don’t push him away when he looks for your love. Sometimes we are so tired from the long workdays that having our faithful friend jumping on us and looking for our pampering bothers us. But think about this: he would be able to spend entire days and nights on his grave. Don’t you think he deserves a little bit of your time now that you can give?
  • Take care of your health. Give him good food, take him to the vet when necessary, and bath and groom him every now and then. Take care of your pet’s health so that in addition to being faithful, it is a healthy and happy dog.
  • Play with it. Make no mistake, your dog is your friend, but he needs you to be his friend too. Take time to play with him and create a special bond between you.

    Respond to the love that your faithful four-legged friend shows you now, and that he will show you until his death and, as we have seen, beyond. Don’t you think he deserves it?

    Image credits: Toni Castillo Quero.

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