Is There An Alpha Male In The Canine World?

Due to the difficulty of studying the hierarchy of the wolf (the ancestor of the dog) in nature, it was decided to observe its behavior in captivity. This created confusion, since in nature those who lead the pack are the breeding pairs, because packs are made up of parents and children.
Is there an alpha male in the canine world?

The alpha male is said to be the one who dominates the group, and there are many animal trainers who insist on applying this concept to training our dog. Is there really an alpha male in the canine world? Do I have to be the group leader to have a good relationship with my dog?

The alpha male in the canine world: where does the term come from?

The term “alpha male” began to be used in the mid-20th century by ethologists working with wolves.

However, it was the renowned researcher David Mech who popularized the term in one of his most successful books.

Mech studied the hierarchy of captive wolves and observed how they formed a social hierarchy by aggression against each other, until a stronger male (hence called alpha) won the battle.

David Mech had already studied wolves in the wild, but it was very difficult to follow them and see how the hierarchies evolved. However, years later, Mech began to study the wild wolf hierarchy and realized his mistake:

There is no alpha male among wolves

Thus,  wild wolves are led by a breeding pair in which male and female tasks are divided. Children from different litters make up the rest of the group.

leadership among the wolves

This doesn’t happen in zoos, where juveniles are often sent to other zoos when they become adults, to increase genetic diversity, as new, unknown wolves arrive. This raises the tensions that David noted in his early studies.

However,  David Mech’s initial book was a success, and although he tried to pull it off the market himself, it was not possible. 

And since the dog is descended from the wolf, an alpha male is needed; or at least that is the conclusion of many.

It even started to gain popularity on television through figures like  César Millán. For many canine ethologists, this scenario can be dangerous for both owners and pets.

According to many veterinarians and trainers,  your dog doesn’t ignore you because he is challenging you and believes he is the alpha male, but because he has never been trained.

He may also have learned certain negative behaviors, reinforced by our attitude, even unintentionally.

dogs fighting

Is there an alpha male?

Hierarchical relationships are usually maintained to access limited resources such as females and food.

This doesn’t happen with domestic dogs, so the mere existence of the alpha male doesn’t make sense.

The relationship between dogs and people has been studied extensively and little is known about it.

However, empathetic and altruistic behaviors between dogs and humans are much more important due to  the dog’s social skills.

Furthermore, the relationships between people and animals are not the same as between two animals of the same species.

If you have an authentic pack (group of dogs), one of your dogs might try to impose itself on the others in the beginning.

But  simplifying animal behavior by claiming dominance is a necessity is just a mistake.

According to experts, the use of pinching or yelling may seem to calm the dog, but it makes it more insecure, which can make the dog aggressive.

Therefore, when training your pet, do not use television tricks and always use a professional.

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