Kai: Do You Know This Japanese Race?

It is a very complete breed for everything – domestic, guard or hunting dog – due to its character and instinct. This dog needs physical activity to burn energy.
Kai: Do you know this Japanese race?

There are many breeds of dogs, some better known than others. Today, we’re going to talk about a Japanese species that you might not have heard of yet: the Kai, a very peculiar animal.

What you need to know about Kai

origin and history 

It is known that this breed has been known since about three thousand years ago, and even though there is speculation that its origin is Chinese, it is more likely that it originated in Japan. In fact, this is known as a regional district dog from Kai on the island of Honshu.

They were used as hunting dogs for wild boar and deer for several centuries. These dogs have an incredible ability to form packs, which allowed them to perpetuate the species without mixing with European dogs. So the breed was preserved in a pure way.

Thanks to this, in 1924, this breed was declared a “natural monument”. This, however, did not prevent the Kai from being nearly extinct after World War II.

However, thanks to breeders who made an effort to prevent this from happening, today there is a sufficient number of dogs of this breed, which is still on the rise in many countries on the Asian continent.

Characteristics of Kai

It is a breed of the spitz type, of medium size and harmonious proportions. Their muscles are very developed and their appearance is quite robust.

kai in blue clothes running

It usually measures between 45 and 56 centimeters and weighs between 16 and 18 kilos. Their life expectancy does not exceed 14 years, in general.

In addition, its head is wedge-shaped and has a strong appearance. The  muzzle is pointed and the ears are triangular, erect and hairy.

The tail is curved over the loin, but is sometimes sickle-shaped. Over its fur, it has two layers, an outer layer, which is hard and straight, and an inner layer, pale in color, which is dense and smooth.

Its coat may be black speckled, red speckled, and white speckled. However, it is noteworthy that, when puppies, they are born in two colors.

Kai’s Character

Thanks to its character, the Kai is very adaptable, and is not used only for the purpose for which it was created: hunting.

In fact, more and more families adopt the Kai as a pet and guard dog. For hunting, these dogs show enormous prowess, in addition to resisting extreme temperatures and standing out for being alert and daring.

As pets, they are affectionate, lively, faithful and very playful, especially with children.

For the younger ones, they are excellent companions, as they are tolerant, docile and are always alert to take care of their owners.

Logically, as they were hunting dogs , this breed needs a lot of physical activity. So, you have to know that if they are inactive for a long time, they can get stressed, becoming destructive, nervous and noisy.

Health and Special Care with Kai

In fact, this is not a breed that has many health problems. Just be careful with  hip dysplasia, as well as with  some hereditary digestive problems at times.

kai running in the water

As we’ve already said, exercise should be part of your routine, as it’s necessary for this dog to have good mental health.

He should not just walk to do his own thing, but also run and play in a way that allows him to exercise and release adrenaline.

Also, you need to examine the ears and fur to make sure there are no ticks or parasites. And, of course, daily hair brushing is key to getting rid of dead hair and preventing skin problems.

As a curiosity, it is worth saying that this breed is not very fond of water. That’s why, whenever it’s time for a bath, Kai will resist with all his strength.

Have you ever thought about having a Kai as a pet?

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