Lilo, The Husky Bitch Who Adopted A Kitten

Lilo, the husky bitch who adopted a kitten

There are many adventures that we have already told you about the unconditional friendship that animals have without understanding colors, races and even species. Today we bring you a beautiful story of a husky dog ​​named Lilo and her unconditional love for a kitten that led her to adopt her.

Lilo, a husky bitch

Lilo lived with his owners and his brothers. Lilo was neutered, so she could never have puppies, nor did she expect life to give her a foster child: Rosie.

Rosie is a kitten who was left to fend for herself at birth, without a roof over her head, food or drink, but someone decided to rescue her and take her home: the owners of the dog Lilo. When they retrieved her, she was almost dead, could barely open her eyes and was very weak.

Upon arriving home and seeing Lilo and two other husky dogs, Rosie was very scared and nervous. It’s possible that she was feeling watched by everyone, including Lilo’s owners and now Rosie’s new parents.

So they decided to leave them alone, Rosie and Lilo, in a room, without eyes, without public and without pressure, just the two of them. This idea had excellent results, as, in a very short time, the husky dog ​​Lilo began to act like a mother. Her maternal instincts kicked in and adopted Rosie as her most beautiful pup.

We have already told you that bitches can have psychological pregnancies, causing them to have the same symptoms they would have if they were pregnant, among others that of having milk in their breasts. It seems that Lilo’s strong desire to be a mother drove her to this point and she was able to breastfeed Rosie.

Breast milk is without a doubt the best food there is, and Rosie’s case proved that, as she recovered quickly and was soon able to open her eyes, walk correctly and even run, jump and play.

She is now fully recovered, Rosie considers herself one more member of the family and lives happily with her husky dog, who is now her “mother”, and her uncles. We don’t know if she thinks she’s a husky or if she knows she’s a kitten, but what we do know is that thanks to the solidarity and humanity of her owners and also to Lilo’s great maternal work, Rosie was able to save her life and today she lives happy.

Isn’t it an exciting story? We think so too!

Other Stories of Unconditional Friendship

This is not the only known story about unconditional friendship, and it won’t be the last, so we think this is a good opportunity to remember some others:


Source: Dinamalar – World’s N. 1 Tamil News Website

  • Sammie and Simon. Sammie and Simon are two dogs who met at an animal shelter after being abused. Ever since they got together, Simon had felt obligated to take care of Sammie. They became inseparable and today they are still friends.
  • The bear and the wolf. A few months ago we told him the story of a bear and a wolf that had been seen in the zoo where they live, playing and walking together, as if they were inseparable friends. It’s just that both were raised together and from the beginning they became inseparable without thinking about races or colors, because friendship doesn’t understand that.
  • Fosberg and Ron. Fosberg is a dog who had a beautiful friendship with a kitten who lived with him, but when the cat died, Fosberg sank into sadness, although they soon found a new companion for him, who became his unconditional friend, Ron, a black cat that makes your life happy.
  • Juniper and Moose.  The fox and the wolf are the protagonists of this story. Juniper’s family found a fox cub and took him home. From the beginning both animals became inseparable.

These are just some of the many stories we can tell, but they undoubtedly leave us an example of loyalty and friendship without prejudice. Because friendship doesn’t understand colors, races or species.

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