Loyal And Friendly Brittany

the great family hunters
The loyal and friendly Brittany

The Brittany, also known as Brittany Spaniel or Spanish Breton, is a  very popular hunting dog due to its great intelligence and loyalty. Very energetic, it pleases both adults and children. In this article, we will talk about some qualities of this breed.

The loyal and friendly Brittany

Brittany  is a medium sized dog, very energetic and friendly to  both humans and other dog breeds. They are intelligent animals that love to run  and always be in contact with a human or another dog.

Some documents state that the breed appeared a long time ago, approximately in the 15th century, but it was only in the 19th century that it began to acquire its current form. This breed is believed to descend from a cross between English and Spanish  dog breeds that were traded between the UK and Spain.

Its name comes from the United Kingdom: the region of Brittany,  where the first specimens of the breed probably appeared, with the aim of creating a dog capable of withstanding long hours of work and physical exercise, even under adverse weather conditions.

Like many other races,  during World War II, there was a drop in population, a  product of the devastation that the European continent suffered during the years of successive clashes. Fortunately, its population has recovered and, today, it has great stability in the world.

Physical aspects

The Spanish Breton is a medium-sized animal, which morphologically is characterized by the following:

  • It measures between 45 and 54 centimeters in height and weighs between 18 and 19 kg.
  • It has wide extremities, a very athletic and robust body; have a very light and fast trot; and your face expresses your worth, your intelligence and loyalty towards its owner.
  • It has large, drooping ears, its skin is loose, to avoid cuts and puncture wounds (caused by piercing elements, such as knives) around it, and its tail is usually short. Some specimens have a long tail that is typically three to four inches long.
  • Brittany has a coat of medium extension quite thick and presents the colors white and orange. But it can also be various shades of brown and black, with black Brittany no longer considered as such according to the American Kennel Club.


    Brittany is a very intelligent and playful animal,  which can push its owners to the limit if they don’t have a lot of patience. They are dogs that are constantly on the move due to their great curiosity and independence.

    Therefore,  Spanish Breton is ideal for bird hunters,  as they love to look for things and take them to their owner. If you don’t like hunting, a Frisbee or a branch can fill your four-legged friend’s need. 

    It is recommended to get the puppies used to being brushed from an early age as they are very restless. In addition, you should educate the puppy as to what he should and should not do as soon as possible, because  when they are very small, they tend to destroy things. 

    Brittany cannot stand being alone: ​​it is  recommended to adopt him along with another dog of the same breed, or one that is as sociable as he is. The stress caused by loneliness can cause you to wander the streets alone and thus get lost.

    Brittany, or Spanish Breton, biting a branch

    family and city

    Spanish Breton is ideal for large, rural families. Its great energy is ideal for sharing with children and for working in the fields. Also, it helps keep certain animals away from property.

    In the city, he can be distressed that he is not in an open field to run. So, if you decide to have a dog of this breed in town, the ideal is to set aside a few hours of your day to exercise daily with your pet following your bicycle.

    Any change in your attitude or sudden restlessness on the animal’s part is a warning sign. As he is a very active dog who is always snooping around, it is recommended to always take him to the vet if his behavior changes overnight.

    care and illness

    Brittany is a dog with generally very good health. They have a lot of resistance to the cold,  due to their coat, and they need constant company so they don’t develop inappropriate behaviors. A dog must be purchased from a trusted breeder to avoid future problems. 

    This breed is prone to several genetic diseases, such as hypothyroidism, hip and shoulder dysplasia, and epilepsy  (this being the most serious disease that the animal can develop if it is not properly cared for).

    Regarding your hygiene, it is  recommended to clean the corners of the skin where bacteria and fungi can accumulate, due to humidity. In addition, it is important to clean their paws to avoid possible extracorporeal elements to the animal, special care must be taken with ticks and parasites.

    Lastly,  don’t forget to brush your Brittany’s coat at least twice a week  to avoid dead hair and keep her coat shining. It is also important that a professional clips  your nails regularly, and remembers to  clean your teeth every day. 

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