Meet The Squirrel Monkey

The innocent image projected by this primate corresponds to the perfection of its character. It’s just that it can coexist – even make friends – among other different species, like the capuchin monkey.
Meet the squirrel monkey

The squirrel monkey ( Saimiri sciureus ), also known as saimiri, is a South American primate  belonging to the cebidians. 

This little primate, weighing just a kilo, has a white mask on his face and a dark snout that characterizes him; its coat is yellowish and orange, with white coloring on the belly.

Its tail is not prehensile, so it cannot hold onto it, unlike other   New World primates.

Very agile, these mammals spend most of their lives in trees.

squirrel monkey behavior

The squirrel monkey is a diurnal and arboreal primate that lives in large groups, ranging from 15 to 50 individuals, although some claim that there are groups of up to 500 individuals.

They are not overly territorial or conflicting animals.

Normally, they remain on the margins of forests, at their middle levels; and  two groups can meet in the same area without dispute because they are simply ignored.

squirrel monkey

As for the food of the squirrel monkey, they  are animals that consume different fruits and berries, in addition to insects and small vertebrates, such as frogs and lizards.

In fact, births coincide with the period of arthropod abundance, between February and April, after a five-month gestation period.

Squirrel monkey cubs stay on their mothers’ backs for weeks, until they begin to become independent and are cared for by other members of the group. Weaning takes place after six months.

As with other primates, their childhood is long, which is why  you can’t keep a monkey as a pet.

Like other monkeys, they spend long hours taking care of each other, eliminating parasites.

However, there is also a great social function in this, which allows for strong bonds to be established between the members of the group.

The relationship of the squirrel monkey with other species

One of the most curious things about the squirrel monkey is its relationship with other species of primates, something unusual in this group of animals:  the squirrel monkey gets along well with the capuchin monkey. 

squirrel monkey

These primates live in the rainforests of Central and South America and, in addition, tend to interact with each other.

They usually eat together without much difficulty in their natural environment and quickly become friends, so they can be seen playing with each other in their natural environment.

He is also a monkey that has predators: eagles, snakes and some cats can hunt this little primate.

They issue different calls, similar to the  incredible communication of the green monkey, allowing them to hide and climb trees.

Threats to the squirrel monkey

The main problem of this species is the degradation of its natural habitat: the jungles of Colombia, Ecuador and other countries in the neotropical zone.

Unfortunately, they are still captured to be illegally sold as pets.

Some of its subspecies are in danger of extinction, but others are well preserved.

Unfortunately, its habitat continues to disappear due to human greed and, if things don’t change, it could endanger this spectacular primate.

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