Meet The Weirdest Dog Breeds Out There

The strangest dog breeds call our attention for their peculiar appearance.
Discover the strangest dog breeds that exist

It must be recognized that, with so many species of animals, nature sometimes surprises us with some specimens that leave us speechless. Today we want to show the strangest dog breeds, those that leave us perplexed and even those that make us wonder if it really is a dog…

The strangest dog breeds

chinese crested dog

Do you remember when we introduced the Sphynx cat? We could say that the Chinese Crested Dog – seen in the main photo of this article – is its canine version.

It is a dog without hair, at least for most of its body, although it has hair on its tail, undersides and ears.

It also has a crest of hair on its head that characterizes it. Surely you thought of the movie 101 Dalmatians when you saw it, as Cruella de Vil has one. Its name has to do with the belief that this breed came from China during the 18th century.

Peruvian naked dog

It has an important similarity to the previous one: it has no hair! As for its name, it is believed that the Spanish conquerors found one of these examples among the Inca nobility during the 16th century.

Peruvian naked dog

They were worshiped as if they were gods and were always part of the ceremonial acts. So much so that they were recognized as Peru’s National Heritage.

It is believed that their lack of fur is due to a genetic malformation and therefore they tend to contract disease more easily than dogs protected by a coat.

bedlington terrier

If you think terriers look like a little sheep, you won’t believe what you’re seeing when you meet this breed. She has an accumulation of hair on the top of her head, on the tips of her ears and on her feet.

bedlington terrier

Its skull is shaped like that of a sheep and the curve of its back gives its body a peculiar shape.

This is not a very old breed, as it is believed to have been bred for the first time in Bedlington, England, as a result of crossing the dandie dinmont terrier with the whippet. Your job? He was a rat hunter!


We couldn’t forget this dog on the list of the strangest dog breeds in the world, because when we’re in front of him, we can’t help but wonder if he’s a dog or a mop.

This is the official dog of Hungary and always has its pink tongue sticking out, standing out amidst its huge amount of hair, which looks like dreadlocks.

Puli breed dog

It seems that the first specimens appeared in the 9th century, when Prince Arpad’s tribes settled in the Hungarian steppe.

However, this is a theory that has not been confirmed, as some believe they were imported by the Mongols. What will be the truth? We don’t know, but still, it’s a very special dog.

Tibetan Mastiff

We don’t know if it’s a dog or a bear. Its huge amount of fur is eye-catching, and is undoubtedly its most attractive feature.

His noble face and his fat, round and heavy body makes him a very fun looking animal.

Tibetan Mastiff

Some people call him a lion dog, because his head is similar to that of the king of the jungle. It is also called the Tibetan Dog, and although you may not believe it, it is the most expensive dog in the world.

Depending on its shape and beauty, there are people willing to pay the equivalent of 9 million reais for a copy of the breed.

At the time of their appearance, they were used to pull sleds and cars, and were also seen as guardians and shepherds. Without a doubt, he is a very versatile dog.

What did you think of these weirdest dog breeds we’ve listed here? Have you already chosen your favorite? We already have ours!

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