Mistakes That Make Our Dogs Hate Bathing

Mistakes That Make Our Dogs Hate Bathing

Have you ever stopped to think that bathing is torture for dogs? Far from being an absolute truth, the rejection they develop towards bathing is caused more by the mistakes of those who control their hygiene than anything else.

Sometimes our friend’s aversion to bathing is such that even the owner starts to consider the shower as a problem and a source of stress, given the reactions of his pet.

So that this doesn’t happen to you, we show below the most common mistakes that make our dogs hate bathing.

Bathe with cold or very hot water

dog taking a bath

Everyone knows that the water temperature is essential for a bath to be a pleasant and relaxing moment.  However, when it is too cold or too hot, it can cause not only discomfort, but injury and even illness.

Many owners make mistakes not to worry about it, bathing their dogs with very cold or very hot water, depending on the situation. Obviously, this will make the furry one afraid of this kind of experience.

If you don’t want this to happen to you, it’s best to use warm water. It will make your dog feel better, even during the summer.

splashing him with water as a punishment

Amazingly, there are owners who, to punish their pets, splash some water on them. This also provokes fear at bath time, as animals may associate it with a kind of reprimand.

The consequences of this act often go beyond the simple rejection of a bath. This type of punishment can generate emotional imbalances in the dog, who will think he did something wrong to be taking a bath.

Brush their teeth aggressively

Bad news for some, brushing a dog’s teeth is extremely important to dental and general health. Failure to do so can cause different types of illnesses.

Brushing a restless dog’s teeth is very difficult for both you and him. The worst thing you can do, however, is to make the mistake of many and brush aggressively and hastily.

By doing this, you can end up hurting your furry without realizing it and will make the next few times very problematic, not only when it comes to brushing it, but also when it comes to bathing it.

If you want none of this to happen, follow the advice below:

  • Use flavored toothpastes;
  • Never use products made for humans. They can be harmful to the health of animals;
  • Brush your dog’s teeth at other times besides bathing to get him used to it.

bathe him violently

dog taking a shower

Another very common problem that people commit, either through inexperience or some difficulty. Bathing our four-legged friend violently will only make him hate the bath with all his might.

When soaping the dog’s body without the proper delicacy, it can cause pain or fear, making the animal try to escape from this uncomfortable situation at all costs.

So  be as gentle and gentle as possible when bathing him, whether using your hands or a special sponge. That way, your little friend will be calmer, will enjoy this moment and will behave well on the next occasions.

Dogs need patience!

The dog is an instinctive animal, which will reject or accept some things depending on its owner’s previous experiences and behavior. If you always treat it with calm, patience and affection, your pet will no longer be afraid of the bath and, who knows, will even start to enjoy it.

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