My Dog ​​doesn’t Chew Food Well

Dogs love to eat, but they don’t seem to enjoy the food. They swallow too fast, as if their lives depended on it. However, there are reasons why they eat so fast and there are also some simple tips that will help us make our dog eat better if he can’t chew well.

It is important to understand our pets and to know the reasons for many of their attitudes. Today, let’s look at why they don’t chew their food.

Why doesn’t my dog ​​chew his food?

As we’ve told you on many occasions, dogs are descended from wolves, so many of their customs have been acquired from them. The habit of not chewing food is one of those.

Wild animals live solely and exclusively for one thing: to survive. Life in the jungle is tough, it’s full of predators and other stronger animals that don’t want it to feed. Wolves, despite being one of the main wild predators, also have to fight for survival.

So they walk with their pack, following their leader, and everyone eats what they hunt, but sometimes that’s not enough for the group. That’s why  when they get a piece of food, they devour it as if they’re never going to hunt again, but actually, they can’t even be sure about that.

Therefore, puppies devour their food, despite being domesticated and always having more food at their disposal. There is something, however, in his half-wolf dog mind that doesn’t reason. Animals act by instinct and even your dog.

What to do if your dog doesn’t chew his food?

Don’t worry, if your dog doesn’t chew his food, there are some recommendations you can follow to improve the situation:

  • Add food to your ration. Although the dog food should be the main food for dogs, if they always eat the same food, they can develop anxiety. In addition, some foods, such as cooked chicken, eggs, sausage and others, can contribute to the production of serotonin, an anxiety-fighting hormone that will make the animal eat more slowly.
  • Create a peaceful environment. If your dog eats after you, he will watch you eat and smell the food as you cook, it is common to think that if he has his bowl full, he will go on top of it to eat it. Therefore, you should create a calm and peaceful environment without feeding the animal’s anxiety.
  • Physical exercise. Exercise is crucial to a dog’s life, and although you may believe it isn’t, if your dog doesn’t chew his food, exercise will also help him in that regard. Sport makes us feel better, we are less hungry and anxiety is eliminated. The effect is the same with your pet, so we have a piece of advice: Exercise with your dog!
  • Calculate the calories.  It is not recommended that your dog consume more calories than he expends, but neither eat less. Maybe you’re giving your dog less food than he should be eating and this keeps him from chewing it and swallowing it anxiously. Calculate both amounts well and don’t give them either more or less than you need.
  • Take him to the vet. Every dog ​​is unique in the world and, in some cases, if he doesn’t chew his food, it may be that your pet is stressed or has another type of anomaly that causes him to swallow food without chewing it. A veterinarian can recommend you what to do or even prescribe some medicine for your animal.

As you can see, taking care of a pet involves a lot of responsibility and you have to be willing to give it our resources, time and energy so that its health is in good condition and for it to be a healthy and happy dog.

Despite the acquired bad habit of not chewing food, your dog can learn to eat slowly and not be bothered if someone approaches him while he is eating.

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