Never Offer Your Dog Popcorn

Never offer your dog popcorn

We’re ready to watch a movie sitting on the couch with a big bucket of popcorn. Who could be a better companion for an afternoon or movie night than your dog? He will lie beside you, he won’t interrupt, he won’t tell the end of the movie, and he won’t say anything if he’s afraid. But for nothing in this world, share your food with him during this activity. In this article, we’ll talk about why.

Film with your dog: the best plan

popcorn-film dogs

On cold, rainy days or on vacation, we can enjoy our time with the one who is always by our side: our dog. If we want to see a movie on a Saturday night, just sit on the couch and wait for him to join us.

Without a doubt, it  ‘s the best option for the winter or when we don’t have the money to go to parties. You can take advantage of the animal’s warmth to warm your feet, hug it if any scene scares you, and even cry uncontrollably at the end of a love story.

And when we think of a movie, we automatically imagine ourselves with a huge pot of popcorn, crispy, warm and tasty. And that’s when a question arises: can we offer it to our dog? If there’s something these furry ones like to do, it’s a “poor thing” face, which makes it impossible to resist and not give what we’re eating.

Unless you keep your eyes riveted to the screen and don’t even once look at the pet, it’s very difficult to be the “movie villain” and not offer a grain of popcorn. But is this food bad for him? Find out the answer below.

Popcorn Considerations

As a first step, we must remember that we cannot give our dog the same foods we eat. Even if they are suitable for pets. In the case of popcorn, it is not very nutritious (neither for humans nor for dogs). However, it can serve as a training element. That is, every time he does something good or learns a new trick, we give him some popcorn as a reward.

It is important to point out that, in addition to buttered popcorn, salt or sugar added to the food can damage the animal’s digestive health. If you wanted to offer him a grain or two for good behavior, prefer natural and homemade popcorn. Excessive ingestion can cause intoxication, vomiting or diarrhea.

Eating popcorn also poses a choking hazard, especially for small dogs. Larger grains can get stuck in the throat, as the animal is likely not to chew them. Also, unpopped corn kernels can get stuck in the teeth or in the airways.

But what if I just give my dog ​​some popcorn?

We all know that extremes and excesses are not good. It is important to teach the dog not to ask for food when the owners are cooking or having lunch. But it is also essential that, as owners, we are intelligent when it comes to “fulfilling” the animal’s whims.

It’s true that dogs are very convincing and can get a bite from even the most insensitive person. If we don’t offer something from our plate, we feel bad, feel sorry for ourselves, we think that “a little won’t hurt” etc.

In the case of popcorn, veterinarians say that what matters is the quantity and frequency. This means that if we give a little bit now and then, it won’t hurt the dog.

In order to be suitable for our pet’s consumption, popcorn must be natural: without butter, sugar and salt. Offer one grain and wait a few minutes to give another. It’s not a matter of letting him eat the entire bucket unattended. It is also not necessary to make him want to eat the same food as its owner.

In general, this delicious snack that accompanies us in movie sessions is not a threat to our canine company. As it contains carbohydrates, high amounts of popcorn are not advisable even for humans  (especially if we do not want to gain weight).

Make the popcorn yourself. Make sure they don’t contain any condiments or additives that could cause digestive problems in the hairy. If you comply with all of our tips, you will be “permitted” to offer your dog some popcorn.

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