No Food For Your Dog At Christmas

Banned food for your dog at Christmas

When these endearing parties arrive, in addition to affection, we share food. We spend several weeks preparing supper and food at these parties so that we can enjoy it with our family and friends. Among our friends is our dog, so we must remember what kinds of food are prohibited for him.

As much as we want our little friend to participate in the parties we are preparing, we must take care of his health and show him affection in other ways. So, despite the title of this article, we go further. Not only will we tell you what foods you can’t give your dog for Christmas, but we’ll also tell you which ones you can give him. Because for “My animals” you and your pets are very important!

Forbidden food for your dog in Natal


Among the prohibited foods, the number 1 is chocolate. It is a prohibited food par excellence, since in addition to sugar being harmful to the animal, chocolate contains a type of substance called theobromine that can not only harm your dog, but can also kill him.

Ice creams

We already know that while you’re having dinner, your dog will order whatever you’re eating. But don’t forget they just want to eat and eat. It is your responsibility to decide what to give and what not. Ice cream is not a good option. The high content of cream (dairy product) can cause great damage to your pet’s stomach.

dried fruit

Forget to give your dog almonds, walnuts or any kind of seeds. They have a high phosphorus content that can seriously harm your pet’s body. Also, walnuts are toxic to them.


Although it is a substance mainly found in chewing gum, at Christmas there are many baked goods that contain xylitol. Also, these often have a high sugar content, very harmful to your dog.


This can be very present in salads and shrimp cocktails. Resist the idea of ​​offering this fruit to your dog. Avocados have a substance called Persina that can cause gastrointestinal and respiratory damage to your friend.


No no and no. Don’t want your dog to participate in the festivities by eating grapes. There are known cases that with only 6 grapes, some dogs suffered a kidney failure. They can cause vomiting and diarrhea leaving the dog dehydrated and can kill him in 3 or 4 days.

Onion and garlic

A dog’s stomach is not as prepared as ours for such strong flavors, and onion and garlic can do great harm to your pet. Avoid them altogether.

dairy products

As in the case of ice cream, milk, yogurt and cheese are prohibited for dogs. In addition to their high lactose content, the excess fat in these foods is not beneficial to their bodies.

Foods you can give your dog for Christmas.

We’ve listed previously prohibited foods from being shared with your dog, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can offer your furry one. Here we will give some recommendations:

  • Ice creams. Do not fool yourself. We are not talking about the typical ice cream that uses milk in its composition, but about the milk and cream used to make it. This ice cream that we are talking about here is without milk and your pet will be able to eat without problems. Just avoid giving him too much ice cream.
  • Fruit. Although you can’t feed your dog grapes, there are other types of fruit, such as apples, pineapples, or watermelon, that dogs can easily eat.
  • Peru. Don’t forget to save some turkey for your best friend. If instead of the oven you made it stew, wash it with water first, so that there are no onion or garlic leftovers on it.
  • Seafood. You can’t give him too much, but you can give him a shrimp, but without the shell. The bark can give you colds. If your dog is a Dalmatian, forget about this suggestion.
  • Lactose-free foods. If there is someone who is lactose intolerant in the family and they have lactose-free foods like cheese, you can also give your dog a little piece as a gift. He will love it.
  • Ham. No one rejects a small piece of York or Serrano ham, nor will your dog.

We hope that you will always spend happy parties and surrounded by those you love, including your dog. And that everyone enjoy a wonderful supper without any problems.

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